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/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"



TODO list of tasks to be automated

  • Add "日本語" to 入力ソース
  • Settings > Keyboard > Shortcut
    • uncheck "select next input source by ^ + space".
    • disable spotlight from keyboard shortcut
  • Set default browser to Chrome
  • Setup Touch ID
  • Remove all icons from dock
  • Sign-in to app store
  • Migrate zsh history file from old machine
  • Add ssh public key to github
  • Launch
    • alfred
    • karabiner-elements
    • alt-tab
  • Google Chrome: login & sync settings
  • Install xcode
    • xcode command line tools will be installed when installing homebrew
    • xcode-select --install
  • Install intellij via toolbox
  • Configure alfred
    • change hotkey -> ctrl + space
    • change appearance to "Alfred Dark"
  • Exec vim :PlugInstall
  • Sync IntelliJ settings
    • login on JetBrains Toolbox
    • IntelliJ: login & "Sync Settings to JetBrains Account" > "Get Settings from Account"
  • 環境設定 > Bluetooth > Bluetoothをメニューバーに表示
  • Sign-in to slack with magic link
  • Restart MacOS
    • some setting changes by defaults command will be applied after restarting