- India S. Dasgupta, P. Pande, D. Ganguly, Z. Iqbal, K. Sanyal, N.V. Venkatraman, S. Dasgupta, B. Sural, L. Harendranath, K. Mazumdar, S. Sanyal, A. Roy, L.K. Das, P.S. Misra and H.K. Gupta, 2000, Seismotectonics Atlas of India and its Environments, Geological Survey of India.
(shape files obtained from Kiran Kumar Thingbaijam)
- Afghanistan
C.A. Ruleman, A. J. Crone, M.N. Machette, K.M. Haller and K.S. Rukstales, 2007, Probable and possible Quaternary faults of Afghanistan, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1103. (https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2007/1103/)
- Central Asia
S. Mohadjer, T.A. Ehlers, R. Bendick, K. Stubner and T Strube, 2016, A quaternary fault database for Central Asia (https://esdynamics.geo.uni-tuebingen.de/faults/index.php).