is a simple ets based registry for extension points in your app.- It dispatches the calls to multiple plugin handlers
Plugin is a definition of extension points in your application. Here is an example of a simple plugin:
-export([behaviour_info/1, register/1, start/2, foo/3, bar/4, baz/2]).
behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
%% notice that arity is incremented to accommodate State
{foo, 4},
{bar, 5},
{baz, 3}
register(Engine) ->
plugerl:register_plugin(Engine, ?MODULE).
start(Engine, Args) ->
plugerl:start_plugin(Engine, Args)
foo(A, B, C) ->
plugerl:call(?MODULE, foo, [A, B, C]).
bar(A, B, C, D) ->
plugerl:notify(?MODULE, bar, [A, B, C, D]).
baz(A, B) ->
plugerl:handle(?MODULE, baz, [A, B]).
Pluger handler is a module which implements the actual behaviour you want. Below is an example of simple handler
-export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_error/4, handle_info/2]).
register(Args, Options) -> %% called from app module
plugerl:register_handler(myapp_plug, ?MODULE, Args, Options).
init(Args) ->
State = Args,
{ok, State}
foo(A, B, C, State) ->
bar(A, B, C, D, State) ->
terminate(Reason, State) ->
handle_info(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_error(Function, Reason, Args, State) ->
- call - call every handler and wait while all of them finish
- notify - send a message to every handler and keep going
- iterate - call passed function for every handler. There is also support for quick exit
- handle - call every handler until we get
{{reply, Result}, State}
or{{error, Reason}, State}
- fanout - more efficient
without an ability to accessstate