I needed to implement a networking application with a server in a local network, with no Internet access. Then I found that unity5 networking api providing exactly what i want. So I studied manual, scripting API and made simple & light implementation providing basic features. It will be useful for non-game, which like manage client's realtime status.
In my case, UNET is actually quite strong. I am using this unity multiplayer feature as a kind of test tool for children. About 2~30 mobile devices connect to server(also mobile device), and then test result are displayed on server in realtime.
- Auto discovery( make clients discover server's address at startup )
- Manage client connection status with scroll view(turn to red if disconnected)
- Send custom network message.(simple chat)
- Auto reconnecting when the client has lost connection.
- Make your own UI for the NetworkManager instead of NetworkManager HUD Component
All you have to do to start using it in your project:
- Download this zip, Open with editor.
- Execute at least two unity app and start each server and client mode.
- You’re done!