Provide a brief description of the resource, its purpose, and functionality.
List the people who are responsible for this repository:
- Name: GitHub Profile
- Name: GitHub Profile
List all the dependencies required to run the project:
- Dependency 1
- Dependency 2
- Dependency 3
If applicable, provide a summary of the version history:
- Version 1.0.0: Initial release.
- Version 1.1.0: Added new features.
- Version 1.2.0: Bug fixes and performance improvements.
If applicable, provide references to the API and its usage:
Describe the steps to install and set up the project:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd repository-name
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Run the project:
npm start
Additional setup steps, if any.
Feel free to contact the maintainers if you encounter any issues during the installation process.