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IETF Wagtail Website

Release License Docker Images

A customized CMS for the IETF website


  • macOS / Windows: Docker for Desktop
  • Linux: Docker + Docker-Compose


Quick start

First, clone this repository.

Run in Docker locally

This project uses Docker to build and run the code, both frontend and backend. So the only requirement to run it locally is a recent version of Docker with docker-compose.

How to run (with a database dump)
  1. Obtain a recent database dump with name like ietf*.dump and place in docker/database/ directory. Otherwise, it will start with a fresh database.

  2. Obtain and unarchive media files into media/ folder.

  3. Run docker compose up. It will build and start the frontend builder (yarn run start) and the backend (python runserver analog), along with a Postgresql database. The first run will take a while because the database dump needs to be restored.

  4. After the frontend compilation finishes, the website should become available at http://localhost:8001

  5. Create a super user on Python application docker instance to access http://localhost:8001/admin

    docker exec -ti www-application-1 python createsuperuser
  6. To destroy everything (i.e. start the database from scratch) run docker compose down.

How to run (without a database dump)
  1. Run docker compose up. It will build and start the frontend builder (yarn run start) and the backend (python runserver analog), along with a Postgresql database. The first run will take a while because the database dump needs to be restored.

  2. Create an admin user

    docker exec -ti www-application-1 python createsuperuser
  3. Log into http://localhost:8001/admin

  4. Create a new "Home Page" (page type must be Home Page) and publish.

  5. Go to http://localhost:8001/admin/sites/ and select localhost.

  6. Select the new "Home Page" as the root page and save.

  7. The website should become available at http://localhost:8001

  8. To destroy everything (i.e. start the database from scratch) run docker compose down.

Backend details

The backend configuration resides in ietf/settings/docker, inheriting some settings from Configuration is done with environment variables with sane checks, i.e. if a variable is required but not set, the application won't start.

Analytics settings

To send analytics data to Matomo set the following configuration options in the local settings file.

MATOMO_SITE_ID = "<site id>"

On the frontend (separate from Docker if needed)

Note: Running these steps before the Docker instructions above may prevent the frontend docker instance to run properly.

Install NVM and Yarn and then run these commands from the repo directory,

First, install dependencies:

# Make sure you use the right node version.
nvm install
nvm use
# Install project dependencies
yarn install

Then, build the frontend static files using one of these commands

# Builds and watches the frontend assets (use this when developing).
yarn run start

# Builds frontend development (non-optimized) assets, without watching
yarn run build

# Builds frontend production assets.
yarn run dist

Other available commands can be viewed with

yarn run

Multi site setup

This repo contains code for both the IETF and IAB websites, which are intended to run as separate sites. If you don't have a DB dump, or your dump does not have the IAB site set up, these are the steps you need to have a paralell site running:

  • Set up a page using the IAB homepage template at the root level (/admin/pages)
  • Configure a site with that page as its root (http://localhost:8001/admin/sites/)
  • In settings -> layout settings (http://localhost:8001/admin/settings/utils/layoutsettings/2/), select your new site and make sure that the base template is set to IAB
  • Header and footer links are populated in the same way as the IETF website. The header contains pages that have the 'show in menu' checkbox ticked in the 'promote' tab. Footer links are set in settings -> footer links.

Upgrading dependencies

Dependencies are managed using pip-tools. They are specified in requirements/*.in and version-pinned in requirements/*.txt. To update the pins, run:

docker compose run --rm application requirements/compile -U


Production: IETF, IAB

Staging: IETF, IAB

Dev (automatically build from main branch):

Testing changes on sandbox

  • Use Build and release GHA.
  • Select the branch that you want to deploy.
  • Make sure Create Production Release is not ticked.
  • Tick Deploy to Sandbox.
  • Click Run Workflow button.

If the main branch is selected, changes will be deployed to

Changes will be available on a subdomain compiled from the branch name if any other branch is selected. If a / is present in the branch name, the first part will be stripped off and any other / are replaced with -. For example, deployment from the feat/foobar branch will be available on, branch fix/foo-bar will be available on and branch fix/foo/bar will be available on