Node command line app to classify news based on headlines [WIP]
This is a POC on Bayes Classification of News articles. We use a node module Natural Node to perform classification on news articles based on their headlines. Our primary goal is to scrape the news sources of Kolkata, India using KimonoLab Scraper API and gather news tweets, and then classify them into two distinct categories : Crime and Non Crime. Finally, after classification we will extract the data from the crime articles, regarding the type of crime, place of occurrence etc and build our own database, upon which we can further perform learning tasks.
Before using, make sure you have the latest Node.js installed in your computer.
First, clone this repository.
git clone
Then, cd into newsclassifier-node and run :
npm install
This will install the necessary dependencies. Next, proceed with training or classifying :
Training :
node index.js --t <file_name.json | file_name.csv>
Classifying :
node index.js --c <file_name.json | file_name.csv>
The program accepts only file inputs of type JSON and csv. JSON files should be the output of KimonoLab scraper, and CSV files should be the output of Twitter scraper
Since this is a POC, train a subset of scraper data / twitter data with choices as crime and nocrime, and then evaluate the performance in classifier.
The trained classifier is saved in /data folder at data/knowledge.json
This training / classification system is based on the Naive Bayes Classifier provided by open source project Natural Node. To better understand its API, head over to the repo.
All bugs should be reported in Github issues. Create a new issue and then it will be assigned / or addressed in a PR.
Head over to Contributing page for more info about how to file PR and preferred workflow.
- Complete training and automate classification
- Achieve > 95% success in classification
- Extract crime details data from crime document (will be a separate repo)
"DataMaestro", Data Mining / Machine Learning Research Group of Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata under the guidance of Prof. Saptarsi Goswami
MIT License