This is a program that can crawl data of classes in next semester from "classroom management system上課教室看板". With this program, you can arrange your classes before they come out at NTU online. While the information is not quite complete on the website, it is still a useful and helpful tool if you want to organize the curriculum for next semester in advance.
你可以選擇使用圖形化介面,也可以直接在 terminal 中執行程式。最後,也有提供簡易網頁版,可以讓你不用下載整份程式碼也能順利查找課表。
You can execute this program either in GUI or terminal. In addition, the website version of this program is served here so that you won't have to clone and build from scratch.
Designed by @icheft
👉🏽 傳送門 · Web App Link
If the app crashes, please feel free to contact me (DM). I'll deal with it ASAP.
Tested on Windows 10
There are two ways to use this program.
Download dist/crawl_tk.exe
and execute it directly.
後,在 Anaconda 中建立 python 3.7 環境。並執行以下指令
After you download the files, create a virtual env with python=3.7 in Anaconda. Then, execute
pip install -r requirements.txt
python crawl_tk.py
Tested on Windows 10
python3 crawl.py -b [building] --semester [semester]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--semester SEMESTER Select the semester you want to query
--delay-time DELAY Set the delay time between each request
-p PAGE, --page PAGE Assign the maximum page of each day.
-s [SAVE], --save [SAVE]
Store the result. You can specify your filename.
Please use .xls or .xlsx as filename extension.
-b {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,共同,普通,新生,綜合,博雅,%}
Specify the building you want to query.
If the building belongs to a college(ex:College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science),
use the code of that college(ex:9),or simply type the name of the building(ex:博雅).
The percentage sign means search for all buildings.
The default is set as 9.
--search-opt SEARCHOPT
Comma separated values to specify search options e.g. "Title=積體電路,Classroom=電二"
The available args include:
"Id": Curriculum Identity Number
"Class": The class number. If the course is taught by only one teacher, it is set to 00
"Title": Course title
"Instructor": Teacher name
"Classroom": Schedule Classroom
"Time": The time of course
For example, if you type "--search-opt Title=積體電路,Classroom=電二", you may get the following result:
Id Class Title Instructor Classroom Time
0 943U0010 00 積體電路測試 李建模 電二146 二2,3,4
1 921U9590 00 電力電子與積體電路控制 陳景然 電二225 二7,8,9
2 943U0120 00 射頻積體電路設計 陳怡然 電二104 三2,3,4
3 90140500 00 積體電路設計 盧奕璋 電二229 三7,8,9
4 942U0120 00 微波積體電路專題 林坤佑 電二101 四7,8,9
You can view all help message by typing
python3 crawl.py -h
The default of the building is set as 9 (EECS). Remener to specify the -b option.
If you want to find the class whose name is 機器學習 in EECS and store the result to excel with filename ML.xls
, you can use
python3 crawl.py --search-opt Title=機器學習 --save ML.xls -b 9 --semester 1101
or maybe you just want to find the classes teached in Bioresources and Agriculture college, and save it locally. You can just type
python3 crawl.py -b 6 --save Agri.xlsx --semester 1101
A common way of using this program is to download all of the courses into a xlsx file, and you can search directly in the xlsx file locally. (It may take a while to execute it, since you want to go through all of the pages in the website.)
python3 crawl.py -b % --save course.xlsx --semester 1101
如果伺服器(目前資料存放於台大資管系)有任何問題,或是你想在自己的電腦嘗試部署 Web App,也可以利用以下作法在 local 端建置。
If the server held in the Department of Information Management fails or you want to deploy this web app locally, here are some tips to get you started.
Tested on macOS
👉🏽 傳送門 · Web App Link
Responsive design as well 🙌🏾
* 註:此部分僅為 local 端部署使用。
This part serves for people who want to deploy locally.
Git clone this repository
Make sure you've installed all the required packages in the desired environment (
uses less resources than Anaconda)pip install pipenv pipenv --three pipenv install --dev pipenv shell
Run the following command (default)
python3 run_app.py --deploy
Some optional commands are listed below:
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --semester SEMESTER Select the semester you want to query --toCSV Export csv file -d, --deploy Deploy your site locally -f, --force Override current course.xlsx file
- If
command is not passed, the app won't be deployed. - Beware of the
command as it may take super long time to crawl the data from scratch - If
is not found at runtime, the program will automatically start crawling
- If
If done successfully, you shall see something like this:
course.xlsx file already exists Ready to deploy... You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser. Local URL: http://localhost:8501 Network URL: