Python job scheduling for humans. Forked and modified from
An in-process scheduler for periodic jobs that uses the builder pattern for configuration. Schedule lets you run Python functions (or any other callable) periodically at pre-determined intervals using a simple, human-friendly syntax.
Inspired by Adam Wiggins' article "Rethinking Cron" and the clockwork Ruby module.
- A simple to use API for scheduling jobs.
- Very lightweight and no external dependencies.
- Excellent test coverage.
- Tested on Python 3.5, and 3.6
$ pip install aioschedule
import asyncio
import aioschedule as schedule
import time
async def job(message='stuff', n=1):
print("Asynchronous invocation (%s) of I'm working on:" % n, message)
for i in range(1,3):
schedule.every(1), n=i)
schedule.every(), message='things')
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
while True:
Schedule's documentation lives at
Please also check the FAQ there with common questions.
Run vagrant up to spawn a virtual machine containing the development environment. Make sure to set the IBR_GIT_COMMITTER_NAME and IBR_GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL environment variables.
- Daniel Bader - @dbader_org - [email protected]
- Cochise Ruhulessin - @magicalcochise - [email protected]
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.