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Create VBA script for Stock Data Analysis, loop through Stock Market Data and return Yearly Stock Performance Results.

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Create VBA script for Stock Data Analysis, loop through Stock Market Data and return Yearly Stock Performance Results.

Initial Stock Market Data:

Stock Data

The Objective of the Project:

The objective of this project is to create a VBA script that provides easy analysis of yearly stock performance. The worksheets are organized by year and contain the starting, final, highest, and lowest value of each stock for each day of the year. The VBA script will give the yearly increase/decrease in stock value for each stock, the percentage change over the year, and the total volume for the year. In addition the stock will give the greatest increase, decrease, and total volume.

The data has been sorted such that the stocks are grouped together by ticker value in alphabetical order The data is sorted by date such that the dates are in order with the first date for a given stock is the begining of the year and the last value for a give stock is the last date of the year traded. Non-zero stock value is not assumed. The data in the spreadsheets represents the complete data with no missing values.

  • Extract Ticker Symbols: The unique ticker symbols are extracted and inserted into a column.

  • Extract Initial and Final Values for Stock Price: The initial and final values for the stock price. As non-zero values are not assumed, the first non-zero value is taken to avoid division by zero.

  • Calculate Yearly Change, Percentage Change, Total Volume: The values are calculated for yearly change in stock values, yearly percentage change, and yearly total volume. Values are displayed in spreadsheet next to corresponding ticker value. Yearly Change = Final Value - Initial (non-zero) Value Percentage Change = Yearly Change / Initial (non-zero) Value Total Volume = Sum(Daily Volume)

  • Determine Max and Min values: The "Greatest % Increase", "Greatest % Decrease", and "Greatest Yearly Volume" are determined from the values calculated in the last step and displayed in the chart.

  • Provide conditional formatting that will highlight positive change in green and negative change in red.

  • VBA script is run once and produces all appropriate adjustments on every worksheet.

Yearly Stock Performance Results ( 2014-2016 )


VBA code:

' Hard Solution VB code - Inna Baloyan May2018 Bootcamp ' Going through all worksheets

Sub WorksheetsLoop()

    ' Set CurrentWs as a worksheet object variable.
    Dim CurrentWs As Worksheet
    Dim Need_Summary_Table_Header As Boolean
    Need_Summary_Table_Header = False       'Set Header flag
    COMMAND_SPREADSHEET = True              'Hard part flag
    ' Loop through all of the worksheets in the active workbook.
    For Each CurrentWs In Worksheets
        ' Set initial variable for holding the ticker name
        Dim Ticker_Name As String
        Ticker_Name = " "
        ' Set an initial variable for holding the total per ticker name
        Dim Total_Ticker_Volume As Double
        Total_Ticker_Volume = 0
        ' Set new variables for Moderate Solution Part
        Dim Open_Price As Double
        Open_Price = 0
        Dim Close_Price As Double
        Close_Price = 0
        Dim Delta_Price As Double
        Delta_Price = 0
        Dim Delta_Percent As Double
        Delta_Percent = 0
        ' Set new variables for Hard Solution Part
        Dim MAX_TICKER_NAME As String
        MAX_TICKER_NAME = " "
        Dim MIN_TICKER_NAME As String
        MIN_TICKER_NAME = " "
        Dim MAX_PERCENT As Double
        MAX_PERCENT = 0
        Dim MIN_PERCENT As Double
        MIN_PERCENT = 0
        Dim MAX_VOLUME_TICKER As String
        MAX_VOLUME_TICKER = " "
        Dim MAX_VOLUME As Double
        MAX_VOLUME = 0
        ' Keep track of the location for each ticker name
        ' in the summary table for the current worksheet
        Dim Summary_Table_Row As Long
        Summary_Table_Row = 2
        ' Set initial row count for the current worksheet
        Dim Lastrow As Long
        Dim i As Long
        Lastrow = CurrentWs.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

        ' For all worksheet except the first one, the Results
        If Need_Summary_Table_Header Then
            ' Set Titles for the Summary Table for current worksheet
            CurrentWs.Range("I1").Value = "Ticker"
            CurrentWs.Range("J1").Value = "Yearly Change"
            CurrentWs.Range("K1").Value = "Percent Change"
            CurrentWs.Range("L1").Value = "Total Stock Volume"
            ' Set Additional Titles for new Summary Table on the right for current worksheet
            CurrentWs.Range("O2").Value = "Greatest % Increase"
            CurrentWs.Range("O3").Value = "Greatest % Decrease"
            CurrentWs.Range("O4").Value = "Greatest Total Volume"
            CurrentWs.Range("P1").Value = "Ticker"
            CurrentWs.Range("Q1").Value = "Value"
            'This is the first, resulting worksheet, reset flag for the rest of worksheets
            Need_Summary_Table_Header = True
        End If
        ' Set initial value of Open Price for the first Ticker of CurrentWs,
        ' The rest ticker's open price will be initialized within the for loop below
        Open_Price = CurrentWs.Cells(2, 3).Value
        ' Loop from the beginning of the current worksheet(Row2) till its last row
        For i = 2 To Lastrow
            ' Check if we are still within the same ticker name,
            ' if not - write results to summary table
            If CurrentWs.Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> CurrentWs.Cells(i, 1).Value Then
                ' Set the ticker name, we are ready to insert this ticker name data
                Ticker_Name = CurrentWs.Cells(i, 1).Value
                ' Calculate Delta_Price and Delta_Percent
                Close_Price = CurrentWs.Cells(i, 6).Value
                Delta_Price = Close_Price - Open_Price
                ' Check Division by 0 condition
                If Open_Price <> 0 Then
                    Delta_Percent = (Delta_Price / Open_Price) * 100
                    ' Unlikely, but it needs to be checked to avoid program crushing
                    MsgBox ("For " & Ticker_Name & ", Row " & CStr(i) & ": Open Price =" & Open_Price & ". Fix <open> field manually and save the spreadsheet.")
                End If
                ' Add to the Ticker name total volume
                Total_Ticker_Volume = Total_Ticker_Volume + CurrentWs.Cells(i, 7).Value
                ' Print the Ticker Name in the Summary Table, Column I
                CurrentWs.Range("I" & Summary_Table_Row).Value = Ticker_Name
                ' Print the Ticker Name in the Summary Table, Column I
                CurrentWs.Range("J" & Summary_Table_Row).Value = Delta_Price
                ' Fill "Yearly Change", i.e. Delta_Price with Green and Red colors
                If (Delta_Price > 0) Then
                    'Fill column with GREEN color - good
                    CurrentWs.Range("J" & Summary_Table_Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
                ElseIf (Delta_Price <= 0) Then
                    'Fill column with RED color - bad
                    CurrentWs.Range("J" & Summary_Table_Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
                End If
                 ' Print the Ticker Name in the Summary Table, Column I
                CurrentWs.Range("K" & Summary_Table_Row).Value = (CStr(Delta_Percent) & "%")
                ' Print the Ticker Name in the Summary Table, Column J
                CurrentWs.Range("L" & Summary_Table_Row).Value = Total_Ticker_Volume
                ' Add 1 to the summary table row count
                Summary_Table_Row = Summary_Table_Row + 1
                ' Reset Delta_rice and Delta_Percent holders, as we will be working with new Ticker
                Delta_Price = 0
                ' Hard part,do this in the beginning of the for loop Delta_Percent = 0
                Close_Price = 0
                ' Capture next Ticker's Open_Price
                Open_Price = CurrentWs.Cells(i + 1, 3).Value
                ' Hard part : Populate new Summary table on the right for the current spreadsheet HERE
                ' Keep track of all extra hard counters and do calculations within the current spreadsheet
                If (Delta_Percent > MAX_PERCENT) Then
                    MAX_PERCENT = Delta_Percent
                    MAX_TICKER_NAME = Ticker_Name
                ElseIf (Delta_Percent < MIN_PERCENT) Then
                    MIN_PERCENT = Delta_Percent
                    MIN_TICKER_NAME = Ticker_Name
                End If
                If (Total_Ticker_Volume > MAX_VOLUME) Then
                    MAX_VOLUME = Total_Ticker_Volume
                    MAX_VOLUME_TICKER = Ticker_Name
                End If
                ' Hard part adjustments to resetting counters
                Delta_Percent = 0
                Total_Ticker_Volume = 0
            'Else - If the cell immediately following a row is still the same ticker name,
            'just add to Totl Ticker Volume
                ' Encrease the Total Ticker Volume
                Total_Ticker_Volume = Total_Ticker_Volume + CurrentWs.Cells(i, 7).Value
            End If
            ' For debugging MsgBox (CurrentWs.Rows(i).Cells(2, 1))
        Next i

            ' For hard solution part:
            ' Check if it is not the first spreadsheet
            ' Record all new counts to the new summary table on the right of the current spreadsheet
            If Not COMMAND_SPREADSHEET Then
                CurrentWs.Range("Q2").Value = (CStr(MAX_PERCENT) & "%")
                CurrentWs.Range("Q3").Value = (CStr(MIN_PERCENT) & "%")
                CurrentWs.Range("P2").Value = MAX_TICKER_NAME
                CurrentWs.Range("P3").Value = MIN_TICKER_NAME
                CurrentWs.Range("Q4").Value = MAX_VOLUME
                CurrentWs.Range("P4").Value = MAX_VOLUME_TICKER
                COMMAND_SPREADSHEET = False
            End If
     Next CurrentWs

End Sub


Create VBA script for Stock Data Analysis, loop through Stock Market Data and return Yearly Stock Performance Results.







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