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Heroes Of Pymoli Game Data Analysis using Pandas Library and Jupyter Notebook

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Inna Baloyan's Heroes Of Pymoli Game Data Analysis using Pandas Library and Jupyter Notebook

Heroes Of Pymoli Data Analysis

  • Of the 780 active players, the vast majority are male (84%). There also exists, a smaller, but notable proportion of female layers (14%).

  • Our peak age demographic falls between 20-24 (46.8%) with secondary groups falling between 15-19 (17.4%) and 25-29 (13%).

  • The majority of purchases are also done by the age group 20-24 (46.8%) with secondary groups falling between 15-19 (17.4%) and 25-29 (13%).

  • Out of 183 items offered, the most popular and profitable ones are "Oathbreaker, Last Hope of the Breaking Storm" (12 buys), brought $51 and "Nirvana" and "Fiery Glass Crusader" having (9 buys) each and brought $44 and $41 respectively. Generally, all players (780) prefer different items, there are no significantly more popular item(s) than others.

  • Average purchase is about $3 per person with the top spenders paying up to $19 for their purchases. Still, 97% are paying way under $10. The total profit from the sold items is about $2400 for 780 players.

# Dependencies and Setup
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Raw data file
file_to_load = "Resources/purchase_data.csv"

# Read purchasing file and store into pandas data frame
purchase_data = pd.read_csv(file_to_load)
purchase_data_df = pd.DataFrame(purchase_data)
Purchase ID SN Age Gender Item ID Item Name Price
0 0 Lisim78 20 Male 108 Extraction, Quickblade Of Trembling Hands 3.53
1 1 Lisovynya38 40 Male 143 Frenzied Scimitar 1.56
2 2 Ithergue48 24 Male 92 Final Critic 4.88
3 3 Chamassasya86 24 Male 100 Blindscythe 3.27
4 4 Iskosia90 23 Male 131 Fury 1.44

Player Count

  • Display the total number of players
total_players = purchase_data_df["SN"].count()

Purchasing Analysis (Total)

  • Run basic calculations to obtain number of unique items, average price, etc.

  • Create a summary data frame to hold the results

  • Optional: give the displayed data cleaner formatting

  • Display the summary data frame

unique_items = len(purchase_data_df["Item ID"].unique())

total_purchases = purchase_data_df["Purchase ID"].count()

total_revenue = purchase_data_df["Price"].sum()

average_price1 = purchase_data_df["Price"].mean()

average_price2 = total_revenue/total_purchases

# average_price1 = average_price2

# Display the summary data frame
purchase_analysis_df = pd.DataFrame([{"Number of Unique Items": unique_items, "Average Price": average_price1,
                                      "Number of Purchases": total_purchases, "Total Revenue": total_revenue}])
purchase_analysis_df["Average Price"] = purchase_analysis_df["Average Price"].map("${:,.2f}".format)
purchase_analysis_df["Total Revenue"] = purchase_analysis_df["Total Revenue"].map("${:,.2f}".format)

# reorganazing the column order for summary dataframe
org_purchase_analysis_df = purchase_analysis_df[["Number of Unique Items","Average Price","Number of Purchases", "Total Revenue" ]]
Number of Unique Items Average Price Number of Purchases Total Revenue
0 183 $3.05 780 $2,379.77

Gender Demographics

  • Run basic calculations to obtain number of unique items, average price, etc.

  • Create a summary data frame to hold the results

  • Optional: give the displayed data cleaner formatting

  • Display the summary data frame

# The value counts method counts unique values in a column, then dataframe created to hold results
gender_demo_df = pd.DataFrame(purchase_data_df["Gender"].value_counts())

percentage_of_players = (purchase_data_df["Gender"].value_counts()/total_players)*100

# Calculations performed and added into Data Frame as a new column
gender_demo_df["Percentage of Players"] = percentage_of_players
gender_demo_df["Percentage of Players"] = gender_demo_df["Percentage of Players"].map("{:,.2f}%".format)

# Change the order of the columns 
org_gender_demo_df = gender_demo_df[["Percentage of Players", "Gender"]]

# Rename the column "Gender" to "Total Counts" using .rename(columns={})
fin_gender_demo_df = org_gender_demo_df.rename(columns={"Gender":"Total Count"})
Percentage of Players Total Count
Male 83.59% 652
Female 14.49% 113
Other / Non-Disclosed 1.92% 15

Purchasing Analysis (Gender)

  • Run basic calculations to obtain purchase count, avg. purchase price, etc. by gender

  • For normalized purchasing, divide total purchase value by purchase count, by gender

  • Create a summary data frame to hold the results

  • Optional: give the displayed data cleaner formatting

  • Display the summary data frame

# Using GroupBy in order to separate the data into fields according to "Gender" values
gender_grouped_purchased_data_df = purchase_data_df.groupby(["Gender"])

# The object returned is a "GroupBy" object and cannot be viewed normally...
# print(gender_grouped_purchased_data_df)

# In order to be visualized, a data function must be used...
gender_grouped_purchased_data_df["Purchase ID"].count().head(10)

# Get total purchase value by gender
total_purchase_value = gender_grouped_purchased_data_df["Price"].sum()
dlr_total_purchase_value ="${:,.2f}".format)

# Average purchase price by gender
avg_purchase_price = gender_grouped_purchased_data_df["Price"].mean()
dlr_avg_purchase_price ="${:,.2f}".format)

# Normalized totals, total purchase value divided by purchase count by gender
normalized_totals = total_purchase_value/gender_grouped_purchased_data_df["Purchase ID"].count()
dlr_normalized_totals ="${:,.2f}".format)

# Organize summary gender data, get all columns to organized Data Frame, add needed columns to it
org_gender_purchased_data_df = pd.DataFrame(gender_grouped_purchased_data_df["Purchase ID"].count())
org_gender_purchased_data_df["Average Purchase Price"] = dlr_avg_purchase_price  
org_gender_purchased_data_df["Total Purchase Value"] = dlr_total_purchase_value 
org_gender_purchased_data_df["Normalized Totals"] = dlr_normalized_totals 

# Summary purchasing analysis DF grouped by gender, rename "Purchase ID" column, using .rename(columns={})
summary_gender_purchased_data_df = org_gender_purchased_data_df.rename(columns={"Purchase ID":"Purchase Count"})
Purchase Count Average Purchase Price Total Purchase Value Normalized Totals
Female 113 $3.20 $361.94 $3.20
Male 652 $3.02 $1,967.64 $3.02
Other / Non-Disclosed 15 $3.35 $50.19 $3.35

Age Demographics

  • Establish bins for ages

  • Categorize the existing players using the age bins. Hint: use pd.cut()

  • Calculate the numbers and percentages by age group

  • Create a summary data frame to hold the results

  • Optional: round the percentage column to two decimal points

  • Display Age Demographics Table

# Create the bins in which Purchse Data will be held
# Bins are 0, 9.90, 14.90, 19.90, 24.90, 29.90, 34.90, 39.90, 99999
# Establish bins for ages
age_bins = [0, 9.90, 14.90, 19.90, 24.90, 29.90, 34.90, 39.90, 99999]

# # Create the names for the four bins
group_names = ["<10", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40+"]

grp_by_age_purchase_data_df = purchase_data_df
grp_by_age_purchase_data_df["Age Summary"] = pd.cut(grp_by_age_purchase_data_df["Age"], age_bins, labels=group_names)

# Creating a group based off of the bins and saving it
grp_by_age_purchase_data_df = grp_by_age_purchase_data_df.groupby("Age Summary")

# Let's work with this new dataframe
summary_by_age_df = pd.DataFrame(grp_by_age_purchase_data_df.count())

# Calculations performed on "Purchase Id"" column of summary df
summary_by_age_df["Purchase ID"] = (summary_by_age_df["Purchase ID"]/total_players)*100

# format percentages 
summary_by_age_df["Purchase ID"] = summary_by_age_df["Purchase ID"].map("{:,.2f}%".format)

#  Reduce number of columns to "Age Summary", "Purcahe ID", format percentages and write into org Data Frame
org_summary_by_age_df = summary_by_age_df[["Purchase ID","SN"]]

# Rename the columns for the final age dempgraphic df using .rename(columns={})
fin_grp_by_age_summary_df = org_summary_by_age_df.rename(columns={"Purchase ID":"Percentage of Players", "SN":"Total Count"})
Percentage of Players Total Count
Age Summary
<10 2.95% 23
10-14 3.59% 28
15-19 17.44% 136
20-24 46.79% 365
25-29 12.95% 101
30-34 9.36% 73
35-39 5.26% 41
40+ 1.67% 13

Purchasing Analysis (Age)

  • Bin the purchase_data data frame by age

  • Run basic calculations to obtain purchase count, avg. purchase price, etc. in the table below

  • Calculate Normalized Purchasing

  • Create a summary data frame to hold the results

  • Optional: give the displayed data cleaner formatting

  • Display the summary data frame

# Let's work with data sorted by age new dataframe
analysis_by_age_df = pd.DataFrame(grp_by_age_purchase_data_df["Purchase ID"].count())

# Get Total purchase value by age
total_purchase_value_age = grp_by_age_purchase_data_df["Price"].sum()
dlr_total_purchase_value_age ="${:,.2f}".format)

# Get Average purchase price by age
avg_purchase_price_age = grp_by_age_purchase_data_df["Price"].mean()
dlr_avg_purchase_price_age ="${:,.2f}".format)

# Get Normalized totals by age, total purchase value divided by purchase count by age
normalized_totals_age = total_purchase_value_age/grp_by_age_purchase_data_df["Purchase ID"].count()
dlr_normalized_totals_age ="${:,.2f}".format)

# Organize summary gender data, get all columns to organized Data Frame, add needed columns to it
analysis_by_age_df["Average Purchase Price"] = dlr_avg_purchase_price_age  
analysis_by_age_df["Total Purchase Value"] = dlr_total_purchase_value_age 
analysis_by_age_df["Normalized Totals"] = dlr_normalized_totals_age 

# Summary purchasing analysis DF grouped by age, rename "Purchase ID" column, using .rename(columns={})summary_gender_purchased_data_df = org_gender_purchased_data_df.rename(columns={"Purchase ID":"Purchase Count"})
summary_age_purchased_data_df = analysis_by_age_df.rename(columns={"Purchase ID":"Purchase Count"})
Purchase Count Average Purchase Price Total Purchase Value Normalized Totals
Age Summary
<10 23 $3.35 $77.13 $3.35
10-14 28 $2.96 $82.78 $2.96
15-19 136 $3.04 $412.89 $3.04
20-24 365 $3.05 $1,114.06 $3.05
25-29 101 $2.90 $293.00 $2.90
30-34 73 $2.93 $214.00 $2.93
35-39 41 $3.60 $147.67 $3.60
40+ 13 $2.94 $38.24 $2.94

Top Spenders

  • Run basic calculations to obtain the results in the table below

  • Create a summary data frame to hold the results

  • Sort the total purchase value column in descending order

  • Optional: give the displayed data cleaner formatting

  • Display a preview of the summary data frame

# Let's work with original purchase data grouped by player("SN") 
orig_purchase_data_df = pd.DataFrame(purchase_data)

# Group by Spendors ( "SN" )
grp_SN_top_spendor_df = orig_purchase_data_df.groupby("SN")

# Let's work with data sorted by SN new dataframe
analysis_by_SPENDOR_df = pd.DataFrame(grp_SN_top_spendor_df["Purchase ID"].count())

# Get Total purchase value by SN
total_purchase_value_SN = grp_SN_top_spendor_df["Price"].sum()

# Get Average purchase price by SN
avg_purchase_price_SN = grp_SN_top_spendor_df["Price"].mean()
dlr_avg_purchase_price_SN ="${:,.2f}".format)

# Organize summary Top Spender data, get all columns to organized Data Frame, add needed columns to it
analysis_by_SPENDOR_df["Average Purchase Price"] = dlr_avg_purchase_price_SN
analysis_by_SPENDOR_df["Total Purchase Value"] = total_purchase_value_SN 

# Summary Top Spendor analysis grouped by SN, rename "Purchase ID" column, using .rename(columns={})
SUM_SN_purchased_data_df = analysis_by_SPENDOR_df.rename(columns={"Purchase ID":"Purchase Count"})
TOP5_spendors_df=SUM_SN_purchased_data_df.sort_values("Total Purchase Value", ascending=False)

# Format Total Purchase Price to be in dollar form
dlr_total_purchase_value_SN ="${:,.2f}".format)
TOP5_spendors_df["Total Purchase Value"] = dlr_total_purchase_value_SN
Purchase Count Average Purchase Price Total Purchase Value
Lisosia93 5 $3.79 $18.96
Idastidru52 4 $3.86 $15.45
Chamjask73 3 $4.61 $13.83
Iral74 4 $3.40 $13.62
Iskadarya95 3 $4.37 $13.10

Most Popular Items

  • Retrieve the Item ID, Item Name, and Item Price columns

  • Group by Item ID and Item Name. Perform calculations to obtain purchase count, item price, and total purchase value

  • Create a summary data frame to hold the results

  • Sort the purchase count column in descending order

  • Optional: give the displayed data cleaner formatting

  • Display a preview of the summary data frame

# Let's work again with original purchase data grouped by "Item ID" and "Item Name"

# Group by Item ( "Item ID" and "Item Name" )
grp_top_item_df = orig_purchase_data_df.groupby(["Item ID", "Item Name"])

# Let's work with data sorted by Item new dataframe
analysis_by_ITEM_df = pd.DataFrame(grp_top_item_df["Purchase ID"].count())

# Get Total purchase value by Item
total_purchase_value_ITEM = grp_top_item_df["Price"].sum()
dlr_total_purchase_value_ITEM ="${:,.2f}".format)

# Get purchase price by Item
purchase_price_ITEM = grp_top_item_df["Price"].mean()
dlr_purchase_price_ITEM ="${:,.2f}".format)

# Organize summary Item data, get all columns to organized Data Frame, add needed columns to it
analysis_by_ITEM_df["Item Price"] = dlr_purchase_price_ITEM
analysis_by_ITEM_df["Total Purchase Value"] = dlr_total_purchase_value_ITEM

# Summary Most Popular Item analysis grouped by Item, rename "Purchase ID" column, using .rename(columns={})
SUM_ITEM_purchased_data_df = analysis_by_ITEM_df.rename(columns={"Purchase ID":"Purchase Count"})
TOP5_ITEMS_df=SUM_ITEM_purchased_data_df.sort_values("Purchase Count", ascending=False)
Purchase Count Item Price Total Purchase Value
Item ID Item Name
178 Oathbreaker, Last Hope of the Breaking Storm 12 $4.23 $50.76
145 Fiery Glass Crusader 9 $4.58 $41.22
108 Extraction, Quickblade Of Trembling Hands 9 $3.53 $31.77
82 Nirvana 9 $4.90 $44.10
19 Pursuit, Cudgel of Necromancy 8 $1.02 $8.16

Most Profitable Items

  • Sort the above table by total purchase value in descending order

  • Optional: give the displayed data cleaner formatting

  • Display a preview of the data frame

# Alter analysis by Item_df to have total purchase price column in numeric form to be able to sort it numerically
SUM_ITEM_purchased_data_df["Total Purchase Value"] = grp_top_item_df["Price"].sum()

# Summary Most Popular Item analysis grouped by Item, rename "Purchase ID" column, using .rename(columns={})
TOP5_ITEMS_df=SUM_ITEM_purchased_data_df.sort_values("Total Purchase Value", ascending=False)

# Format Total Purchase Price to be in dollar form
dlr_total_purchase_value_ITEM ="${:,.2f}".format)
TOP5_ITEMS_df["Total Purchase Value"] = dlr_total_purchase_value_ITEM
Purchase Count Item Price Total Purchase Value
Item ID Item Name
178 Oathbreaker, Last Hope of the Breaking Storm 12 $4.23 $50.76
82 Nirvana 9 $4.90 $44.10
145 Fiery Glass Crusader 9 $4.58 $41.22
92 Final Critic 8 $4.88 $39.04
103 Singed Scalpel 8 $4.35 $34.80


  • Of the 780 active players, the vast majority are male (84%). There also exists, a smaller, but notable proportion of female layers (14%).

  • Our peak age demographic falls between 20-24 (46.8%) with secondary groups falling between 15-19 (17.4%) and 25-29 (13%).

  • The majority of purchases are also done by the age group 20-24 (46.8%) with secondary groups falling between 15-19 (17.4%) and 25-29 (13%).

  • Out of 183 items offered, the most popular and profitable ones are "Oathbreaker, Last Hope of the Breaking Storm" (12 buys), brought $51 and "Nirvana" and "Fiery Glass Crusader" having (9 buys) each and brought $44 and $41 respectively. Generally, all players (780) prefer different items, there are no significantly more popular item(s) than others.

  • Average purchase is about $3 per person with the top spenders paying up to $19 for their purchases. Still, 97% are paying way under $10. The total profit from the sold items is about $2400 for 780 players.


Heroes Of Pymoli Game Data Analysis using Pandas Library and Jupyter Notebook







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