What's Changed
- Fix warning tag hover color by @fushar in #634
- Beautify content card border in dark mode by @fushar in #635
- Beautify second-level content card in dark mode by @fushar in #636
- katex: make it position: relative to fix broken layout by @fushar in #637
- Increase course chapter sidebar width by @fushar in #638
- Disallow viewing other solution if we haven't solved a problem in course by @fushar in #639
- Allow guests for exporting users which will exclude email by @fushar in #640
- grader: Allow scorer to output percentage of subtask points by @fushar in #641
- grader: Allow OK feedback to be on separate, third line by @fushar in #644
- feat(ansible): optionally set basic auth on admin by @AVM-Martin in #643
- grader: Show percentage instead of points when appropriate by @fushar in #645
- grader: allow percentage output to be floating point by @fushar in #647
- Show other submissions of solved chapter problems correctly by @fushar in #648
- grader: Beautify score output by @fushar in #649
- grader: allow floor rounding mode more properly by @fushar in #650
- client: beautify score details by @fushar in #653
- grader: allow percentage scoring for non-subtask problems as well by @fushar in #654
- client: beautify subtask score alignment for decimal score by @fushar in #655
- client: fix alignment of long score feedback by @fushar in #656
- grader: no need to store compilation output if not compile error by @fushar in #657
- grader: show SKIPPED for subtasks without submitted files in OO problems by @fushar in #658
- grader: dont crash when zip file contains empty files by @fushar in #659
- client: dont show OO grading language in submission details by @fushar in #660
- Implement contest-dump admin task by @fushar in #661
- Fix decimal score alignment in submission details by @fushar in #662
- sandalphon: dont touch origin when user clone is requested by @fushar in #663
Full Changelog: v2.17.0...v2.18.0