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A simple Microservice in SpringBoot/OpenAPI and ReatJS/RxJS


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TvDb demo application

A simple application to index locally various TvShow from TvMaze server.


Enable "Web Search" to search on TvMaze, disable it to consult your local database.

You can edit the summary of each TvShow

In "web Search" click on the "+" button to add a TvShow to your local database. This will trigger a local search automatically.


  • Open JDK 11
  • Node 15.4.0
  • Maven 3.6.2


TvDb is a microservice written in the following frameworks:

  • Backend is written with SpringBoot
  • FrontEnd is written in TypeScript with ReactJs and RxJs


  • ./src/main/java contains the server-side code
  • ./src/main/react contains the client-side code

Web Entry points

Open API 3.0 (Swagger)


H2 Database console


Service API


How to build?

You can use the mvnw command provided by Spring boot or open the project in Eclipse. This will also test the server-side.

mvnw clean install

How to Run?

Using mvnw (this also rebuild the gui)

mvnw spring-boot:run

Note: spring-boot:run does not run the tests.

Using directly java:

C:\Java\jdk-11.0.2\bin\java -jar target\TvDB-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

How to test

Test the client-side

Testing the front end occur in folder ./src/main/react/

npm test

Since those tests contains integration tests (calls to the REST service), you are supposed to run it once the JAR is started. This can be done easily in Jenkins for instance...

Test the server-side

This is done during the maven compilation

mvnw clean install

Points of interest

Server side

Topic Class/Method/File Description
REST Service TvApi How to implement a REST service with CRUD operations. We use various HTTP methods (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE). The serialization of POJO into JSON is automatically done by the API.
JPA Repository TvDbRepository How to implement a JPA repository with practically no code.
QBE API (Query by Example TvApi:search() How to forge a request without writing SQL.
REST Client TvMaze How to use RestTemplate API to consume the API from TvMaze server.
Open API OpenApiConfig How to enable OpenAPI on a REST service to automatically provide a public schema. TvApi uses OpenAPI annotation (@Operation or @Tag) to add some comments on the public schema.
How to create a DB on startup tvdb-schema.sql and Using spring.datasource.schema in the SpringBoot configuration, allow us to create the schema we want on startup.
Integrate Webpack build in the final JAR pom.xml exec-maven-plugin will run npm install then npm run build. maven-resources-plugin will copy this build inside ${basedir}/target/classes/static which is the default web root folder for the microservice.
API/Facade model com.hypercube.tvdb.api.model.*
TvMaze model com.hypercube.tvdb. services.tvmaze.model.*
DAO model Since this service is very small, the DAO model is the same than the Facade
H2 Database The database in embed in the JAR. It will create a ./data/ folder to store the TvShows.
Tests TvDbApplicationTests How to use @SpringBootTest to automatically run the microservice on a random TCP port and test it.
Log SQL queries and

Client side

Topic Class/Method/File Description
MaterialUI We use some widgets from MaterialUI Framework.
How to edit HTML summary and convert it to React TvShowCard we use react-html-parser
How use RxJS to handle a shared state between widgets (Flux pattern) GlobalStore and ApplicatonStore The GlobalStore is an event bus using RxJs containing a shared state (an object tree). Events are of the type StoreUpdate. As an example, we use a shared state for the search type (external or internal). The widget TvDbBar subscribes to the store, whereas the widget App send events to the store. ApplicationStore is a singleton inheriting from GlobalStore.
How to make a generic dialog to display errors and questions ConfirmDialog We exports various enums that must be used in the widget properties. Depending on the type (YESNO or ERROR) one or two buttons will show up. A callback is used to receive the response (which button is selected). There is no visible/invisible state, you are supposed to remove the component from the virtual DOM when you no longer need it.
How to fix non-binded methods in ES6 BaseComponent It is well known that methods in ES6 classes are not bound to "this". It causes many troubles when you are using callbacks. People overuse "=>" operator to fix that (lexical binding). Here we use another technique: All widgets in the application inherit from BaseComponent. On creation, every methods starting by 'on' will be automatically binded to this using the good old bind function of ES5. In this way the code will work properly and will be more readable than the "=>" technique to declare class methods.
Callbacks with Currying ConfirmDialog Sometimes you want to use the same callback with different parameters. Since react accept only a reference to a single function how to do that ? We use bind to do a Currying on the callback function. This is used in the dialog buttons with the callback onClick
REST Client TvDbService We use fetch for simplicity but axios could be better for testing. The typed model is in ./src/model/ Typically this model should be automatically generated from the Open API Schema.
CSS Modules webpack.config.common.js and css-modules.d.ts We are using CSS Module with less preprocessor for all our widgets. In this way we avoid styling in JS and most of it: our styles are scoped. You can't have conflict if you are using the same CSS class in two widgets. It will be automatically renamed.
Tests ./test/* We use Jest with Enzyme to test our code.
Test our RxJS Store GlobalStore.test.ts We wrap the subscription of our store in a Promise. Then we can test it easily with Jest.
Test our REST client TvDbService.test.ts We use node-fetch to be able to connect to the spring microservice. This is an integration test. We have to enforce a complete URL because all our services use relative urls.
Test a React Widget ConfirmDialog.test.tsx We simulate a click on a dialog using Enzyme API. We also use snapshots to test what is rendered.
Project layout We try to avoid tons of config files in the root folder. Most of the configuration is in ./config. The webpack config is split in two files for prod and dev. There is also a common configuration. Jest configuration is also here. HtmlWebpackPlugin will use ./template/index.html. It is clearly separated from the webroot folder (./public/). All tests are also separated from the code. They are in ./tests/. External types or other TypeScript trickeries are in ./types/
SourceMaps We use directly SourceMapDevToolPlugin to enforce sourceRoot. This is why, even in dev config we have devtool: false
Enzyme and React 17 ./test/common/setup.ts Enzyme adapter support only React 16. So we don't use React 17 for now.
ESLint .eslintrc.js We use rules from @typescript-eslint/recommended