This is an experiment. It may go stale, or it may change in backwards incompatible ways. Don't rely on it too much for now.
- Provide a common abstraction for boards supported by TinyGo.
- Provide a simulated board
- Auto-generate all board definitions from a devicetree-like format. Don't write any of the definitions by hand. (See Zephyr OS for example).
- Allow generating a similar board definition from target JSON files for custom boards.
- Make it possible to identify hardware at compile time instead of relying on build tags, as long as this doesn't impact binary size too much.
- Provide access to hardware unique to a particular board. A new interface has to be reasonably common, and has to be supported by at least two different boards.
- Support custom boards from this package. Only boards that are (or were) actually produced should be supported. This includes dev boards, maker boards, electronic badges, etc.
BSD 2-clause license, see LICENSE.txt for details.