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System Overview

The mongo-connector system is designed to hook up mongoDB to any target system. This allows all the documents in mongoDB to be stored in some other system, and both mongo and the target system will remain in sync while the connector is running. It has been tested with python 2.7 and python 3.

Getting Started


The easiest way to install mongo-connector is with pip:

pip install mongo-connector

You can also install the development version of mongo-connector manually:

cd your/installation/directory
git clone
cd mongo-connector
python install

You might have to run python install with sudo, depending on where you're installing mongo-connector and what privileges you have.

Using mongo-connector

Since the connector does real time syncing, it is necessary to have MongoDB running, although the connector will work with both sharded and non sharded configurations. It requires a replica set setup.

To start the system, simply run "mongo-connector". It is likely, however, that you will need to specify some command line options to work with your setup. They are described below:

-m or --mongos is to specify the main address, which is a host:port pair. For sharded clusters, this should be the mongos address. For individual replica sets, supply the address of the primary. For example, -m localhost:27217 would be a valid argument to -m. Don't use quotes around the address.

-t or --target-url is to specify the URL to the target system being used. For example, if you were using Solr out of the box, you could use '-t http://localhost:8080/solr' with the SolrDocManager to establish a proper connection. Don't use quotes around address. If target system doesn't need URL, don't specify.

-o or --oplog-ts is to specify the name of the file that stores the oplog progress timestamps. This file is used by the system to store the last timestamp read on a specific oplog. This allows for quick recovery from failure. By default this is config.txt, which starts off empty. An empty file causes the system to go through all the mongo oplog and sync all the documents. Whenever the cluster is restarted, it is essential that the oplog-timestamp config file be emptied - otherwise the connector will miss some documents and behave incorrectly.

-n or --namespace-set is used to specify the namespaces we want to consider. For example, if we wished to store all documents from the test.test and namespaces, we could use -n test.test, The default is to consider all the namespaces, excluding the system and config databases, and also ignoring the "system.indexes" collection in any database.

-u or --unique-key is used to specify the mongoDB field that will serve as the unique key for the target system. The default is "_id", which can be noted by "-u _id"

-f is to specify a file which contains the password for authentication. This file is used by mongos to authenticate connections to the shards, and we'll use it in the oplog threads. The main use of this option is to specify a password without entering it as plaintext on the command line.

-p is to specify the password used for authentication. If this option is specified along with -f, then the password specified here will be used regardless of the contents of the password file. For sharded clusters, the admin username/password must exist in every shard's admin database, otherwise the system will fail to authenticate. This is because of how the connector authenticates against the shards, which is described in depth in the System Internals section below.

-a' or --admin-username` is used to specify the username of an admin user to authenticate with. To use authentication with the system, the user must specify both this option and the password or password file option, which stores the password for the user. The default username is '__system', which is not recommended for production use. If using this and one of the password options in a sharded environment, it is essential that the username/password exists in the admin database of every shard in the cluster. Otherwise, authentication will fail.

-d or --docManager is used to specify the doc manager file that is going to be used. You should send the path of the file you want to be used. By default, it will use the file. It is recommended that all doc manager files be kept in the doc_managers folder in mongo-connector. For more information about making your own doc manager, see Doc Manager section.

An example of combining all of these is:

 mongo-connector -m localhost:27217 -t http://localhost:8080/solr -o oplog_progress.txt -n,test.test -u _id -k auth.txt -a admin -d ./doc_managers/

Usage With Algolia

The simplest way to synchronize a collection myData from db myDb to index MyIndex is:

  mongo-connector -m localhost:27017 -n myDb.myCollection -d ./doc_managers/ -t MyApplicationID:MyApiKey:MyIndex

Note: If you synchronize multiple collections with multiple indexes, do not forget to specify a specific connector configuration file for each index using the -o config.txt option (a config.txt file is created by default).

Attributes remapping

If you want to map an attribute to a specific index field, you can configure it creating a algolia_remap_<INDEXNAME>.json JSON configuration file:

    "": "email"

Alternatively, you can use python-style subscript notation:

    "['user']['email']": "['email']"


  • The remapping operation will run first.

Consider the following object:

    "user": { "email": "[email protected]" }

The connector will send:

    "email": "[email protected]"

Attributes filtering

You can filter the attributes sent to Algolia creating a algolia_fields_INDEXNAME.json JSON configuration file:

    "<ATTRIBUTE1_NAME>":"_$ < 0",
    "<ATTRIBUTE2_NAME>": ""

Considering the following object:

  "<ATTRIBUTE1_NAME>" : 1,

The connector will send:

  "<ATTRIBUTE2_NAME>" : 2,


  • _$ represents the value of the field.
  • An empty value for the check of a field is True.
  • You can put any line of python in the value of a field.
  • The filtering operation will run between remapping and post-processing.
Filter an array attribute sent to Algolia

To select all elements from attribute <ARRARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME> matching a specific condition:

  "<ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME>": "re.match(r'algolia', _$, re.I)"

Considering the following object:

  "<ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME>" : ["algolia", "AlGoLiA", "alogia"]

The connector will send:

  "<ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME>": ["algolia", "AlGoLia"]
Filter an object attribute in an array sent to Algolia

To select all elements from attribute status matching a specific condition:

  "status": { "action": "", "outdated" : "_$ == false" }

Considering the following object:

  "status" :    [
                                    {"action": "send", "outdated": "true"},
                                    {"action": "in transit", "outdated": true},
                                    {"action": "receive", "outdated": false}

The connector will send:

  "status": [{"action": "receive", "outdated": false}]

Advanced nested objects filtering

If you want to send a <ATTRIBUTE_NAME> attribute matching advanced filtering conditions, you can use:

    "<ATTRIBUTE_NAME>": { "_all_" : "or", "neg": "_$ < 0", "pos": "_$ > 0"}

Considering the following object:

    "<ATTRIBUTE_NAME>": { "neg": 42, "pos": 42}

The connector will send:

    "<ATTRIBUTE_NAME>": { "pos": 42}

Post processing

You can modify the attributes sent to Algolia creating a Python script file:

if (_$.get("<ATTRIBUTE_NAME>") == 0):
    _$["<ATTRIBUTE_NAME>"] = false
    _$["<ATTRIBUTE_NAME>"] = true


  • _$ represents the record.
  • The post-processing operation will run last.

Considering the following object:


The connector will send:

    "<ATTRIBUTE_NAME>": false

Usage With Solr

We have provided an example Solr schema called schema.xml, which provides field definitions for the 'name', '_ts', ns, and _id fields. The schema also sets the _id field to be the unique key by adding this line:


Solr does not require all the fields to be present, unless a field's required attribute is True, but the schema must have a line defining every field that may be present in a document field. Some examples of field definitions in the schema are:

<field name="_id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" />
<field name="_ts" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true" />

The sample XML schema is designed to work with the tests. For a more complete guide to adding fields, review the Solr documentation.


This is the only file that is engine specific. In the current version, we have provided sample implementations for ElasticSearch, Solr, Mongo and Algolia, which are in the docmanagers folder. If you would like to integrate MongoDB with some other engine, then you need to write a doc manager file for that target system. The file gives a detailed description of the functions used by the Doc Manager; the following functions must be implemented:

1) init(self)

This method should if needed, verify the url to the target system and return None if that fails. It should also create the connection to the target system, and start a periodic committer if necessary. It can take extra optional parameters for internal use, like auto_commit. The unique_key should default to '_id' and it is an obligatory parameter. The url parameter provides the URL to the target engine and needs to be validated before use by the doc manager. __init__ should raise a SystemError exception if the URL is not valid.

2) stop(self)

This method must stop any threads running from the DocManager. In some cases this simply stops a timer thread, whereas in other DocManagers it does nothing because the manager doesn't use any threads. This method is only called when the MongoConnector is forced to terminate, either due to errors or as part of normal procedure.

3) upsert(self, doc)

Update or insert a document into your engine. The document has ns and _ts fields. This method should call whatever add/insert/update method exists for the target system engine and add the document in there. The input will always be one mongo document, represented as a Python dictionary. This document will be the current mongo version of the document, not necessarily the version at the time the upsert was made; the doc manager will be responsible to track the changes if necessary. Note this is not necessary to ensure consistency. It is possible to get two inserts for the same document with the same contents if there is considerable delay in trailing the oplog. We have only one function for update and insert because incremental updates are not supported, so there is no update option.

4) remove(self, doc)

Removes document from engine The input is a python dictionary that represents a mongo document.

5) search(self, start_ts, end_ts)

Called to query engine for documents in a time range, including start_ts and end_ts This method is only used by rollbacks to query all the documents in the target engine within a certain timestamp window. The input will be two longs (converted from Bson timestamp) which specify the time range. The 32 most significant bits are the Unix Epoch Time, and the other bits are the increment. For all purposes, the function should just do a simple search for timestamps between these values treating them as simple longs. The return value should be an iterable set of documents.

6) commit(self)

This function is used to force a refresh/commit. It is used only in the beginning of rollbacks and in test cases, and is not meant to be called in other circumstances. The body should commit all documents to the target system (like auto_commit), but not have any timers or run itself again (unlike auto_commit). In the event of too many engine searchers, the commit can be wrapped in a retry_until_ok to keep trying until the commit goes through.

7) get_last_doc(self)

Returns the last document stored in the target engine. This method is used for rollbacks to establish the rollback window, which is the gap between the last document on a mongo shard and the last document. If there are no documents, this functions returns None. Otherwise, it returns the first document.

System Internals

The main Connector thread connects to either a mongod or a mongos, depending on cluster setup, and spawns an OplogThread for every primary node in the cluster. These OplogThreads continuously poll the Oplog for new operations, get the relevant documents, and insert and/or update them into the target system. The general workflow of an OplogThread is:

  1. "Prepare for sync", which initializes a tailable cursor to the Oplog of the mongod. This cursor will return all new entries, which are processed in step 2. If this is the first time the mongo-connector is being run, then a special "dump collection" occurs where all the documents from a given namespace are dumped into the target system. On subsequent calls, the timestamp of the last oplog entry is stored in the system, so the OplogThread resumes where it left off instead of rereading the whole oplog.

  2. For each entry in the oplog, we see if it's an insert/update operation or a delete operation. For insert/update operations, we fetch the document from either the mongos or the primary (depending on cluster setup). This document is passed up to the DocManager. For deletes, we pass up the unique key for the document to the DocManager.

  3. The DocManager can either batch documents and periodically update the target system, or immediately, or however the user chooses to.

The above three steps essentially loop forever. For usage purposes, the only relevant layer is the DocManager, which will always get the documents from the underlying layer and is responsible for adding to/removing from the target system.

Mongo-Connector imports a DocManager from the specified file in, preferably from the doc_managers folder. We have provided sample implementations for a Solr search DocManager , an ElasticSearch DocManager and AlgoliaSearch DocManager. Note that upon execution, will copy the file to the main folder as

The documents stored in the target system are equivalent to what is stored in mongo, except every document has two additional fields called ns and _ts. The _ts field stores the latest timestamp corresponding to that document in the oplog. For example, if document D was inserted at time t1 and then updated at time t2, then after processing the update, we update the documents timestamp to reflect the most recent time. This is relevant for rollbacks in the system.

The ns field stores the namespace for each document. This is relevant to prevent conflicts between identical documents in different namespaces, and also used for managing rollbacks and syncing.

Testing scripts

Tests are stored in the tests folder which is not in the general distribution (they can be found on github). The tests should be run with unittests, so to run them properly, navigate to the general "mongo-connector" folder and run:

python -m unittest discover

This should run all of the tests in the folder. To specify a specific test, run

python -m unittest tests.<name_of_module>

The tests use environment variables for certain parameters. The variables in question are MAIN_ADDR, CONFIG, and TEMP_CONFIG. CONFIG refers to where the config file should be placed, as well as TEMP_CONFIG. To set these variables, you can simply place them in a shell script like so:

export MAIN_ADDR
export CONFIG

And then correctly set them by sourcing them, ie:

source <name_of_script>

A word of caution: For some of the tests, specifically test_oplog_manager, the output prints out "ERROR:root:OplogThread: No oplog for thread: Connection('localhost', 27117)". This is expected behavior because the tests run some parts in isolation, and are not an indication of error. If the tests actually fail, a distinct message will be printed at the very end stating exactly where it failed.


The most common issue when installing is to forget to clear config.txt before restarting the mongo connector. This config.txt file stores an oplog timestamp which indicates at which point of the oplog the connector should start. This is made so you can stop syncing at any point by quitting the program and restart from where you left off later on. However, this can be a problem if you have restarted mongo and that timestamp happens before all entries in the oplog; this will result in an error, since the system will realize that you have a stale oplog timestamp. Additionally, if you restart mongo, the target system will not have the data automatically wiped. This is of course intentional, since it would be undesirable to have the data disappear from the target system if mongo stops working for whatever reason.


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