A full fledged email class for fuelphp. At the time of writing only supporting php's native mail function. Currently working on a SMPT and Sendmail driver.
$mail = Email::forge();
$mail->from('[email protected]', 'Your Name Here');
// Set to
$mail->to('[email protected]');
// Set with name
$mail->to('[email protected]', 'His/Her Name');
// Set as arrau
// Without name
'[email protected]',
// With name
'[email protected]' => 'His/Her Name',
// Work the same for ->cc and ->bcc and ->reply_to
// Set a body message
$email->body('My email body');
// Set a html body message
$email->body(\View::forge('email/template', $email_data));
By default this will also generate an alt body from the html,
and attach any inline files (not paths like http://...)
// Set an alt body
$email->alt_body('This is my alt body, for non-html viewers.');
// Set a subject
$email->subject('This is the subject');
// Change the proirity
// And send it
$result = $email->send();
The send result can be one of three Email class constants.
+ \Email::SEND - It's a success
+ \Email::FAILED_VALIDATION - Email validation failed, nothing is send.
+ \Email::FAILED_SEND - The driver failed at sending the email.
These can me one of the following:
+ \Email::P_LOWEST - 1 (lowest)
+ \Email::P_LOW - 2 (low)
+ \Email::P_NORMAL - 3 (normal) - this is the default
+ \Email::P_HIGH - 4 (high)
+ \Email::P_HIGHEST - 5 (highest)