Version 2 of a simple, minimal and responsive personal website template, built using React, TypeScript, HTML and SCSS.
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$ git clone
To install the node packages used in the project:
$ cd portfolio-template-v2
$ yarn install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
$ yarn start
Compiles and minifies for production
$ yarn build
All the information can be edited in the JSONs and Markdowns in the content folder. Each section of the portfolio has its own folder. The common.json
file contains details that are used throughout the website.
All the images are in public/assets
- Clone this repo to your local machine.
- Checkout to a new branch. Give it a relevant name!
- Create a pull request
- Website at
- LinkedIn at
- MIT license
- Copyright 2022 ยฉ Hrishikesh Paul