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Gregor Martynus edited this page Sep 19, 2016 · 1 revision

Please use the following terms as noted below:


  • Angular.js
  • API - use instead of api


  • Backbone.js
  • backend - not back end or back-end


  • clientside - not client side or client-side
  • CouchDB - not couchdb or couch db or couchDB


  • decentralisation - not decentralization
  • dreamcode - not dream code or dream-code


  • Ember.js


  • frontend - not front end or front-end


  • GitHub - not github or Git Hub or Github


  • Hoodie - not


  • interface, or interfaces - not inter face or inter-face


  • JavaScript - not Javascript or javascript




  • meetup - not meet up or meet-up


  • noBackend - use noBackend when referring to the noBackend initiative
  • Node.JS - use Node.js when referring to the framework
  • Node - use Node when referring to the community
  • npm - not NPM or Npm


  • offline - not off line or off-line
  • Offline First - not offline-first or offlinefirst
  • Open Source - not opensource or open-source


  • plugin, or plugins – not plug in or plug-in
  • PouchDB - not pouchdb or Pouchdb




  • serverside - not server side or server-side
  • synchronisation – not synchronization


  • Twitter - not twitter




  • website - not web site or web-site




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