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DHT22 driver for Raspberry Pi OS

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This is a Raspberry Pi kernel module for the DHT22 humidity and temperature sensor, implemented as a character device driver. The aim of this project was to learn how to write, compile and cross-compile a kernel module for Linux and to get familiar with CMake. It is not by any means supposed to be a production-grade solution.

Table of contents


This module adds the device file /dev/dht22 to the system. A successful read returns a character string with two comma-separated decimal numbers e.g. "45.6,23.4". The first value represents the relative humidity as a percentage and the second value represents the temperature in degrees Celsius. You can read the raw output with cat.

cat /dev/dht22

There will be at most 13 ASCII characters (8 digits, 2 decimal points, 1 comma and 1 minus sign) inside the returned string. Note that the terminating null-byte is not included. If the read fails or another error occurs, errno is set, and the return value is -1. The different error codes are described here.

If you want to read the sensor again without closing it, use lseek and seek back to the beginning of the device file. If you read again without seeking back, the return value will be 0. An example can be found in examples/ex2.c.

By default, GPIO-pin 4 is used for data transmission. If you want to use a different pin you can specify the gpio_pin module parameter when inserting the module into the kernel.


To build the module first clone the repository and navigate into the dht22-sensor directory. For demonstration purposes, I use the build folder inside the project source directory to build the module. But I strongly recommend using a TMPFS, especially to build larger projects.

mkdir build


If you are building natively on the Raspberry Pi for your current running kernel, make sure you have the kernel headers installed. You can verify the installation by running:

ls /usr/src | grep linux-headers

If there is some output they are already installed. If not, run:

sudo apt install raspberrypi-kernel-headers

After the environment is set up, you can copy-paste the following command to configure CMake and build the module:

cmake -B build && make -C build build-module

The compiled module will be located under build/src/dht22.ko. To clean up the build folder run:

make -C build clean-module


If, on the other hand, you want to cross-compile you can use a CMake toolchain file like cmake/Toolchain.cmake and specify the necessary parameters. Comment out the parts that you don't need. You have to specify the toolchain file like this when configuring CMake:

cmake -B build --toolchain=./cmake/Toolchain.cmake

You can also specify the needed variables via the command line. To see what variables are available, have a look at cmake/Toolchain.cmake.


To load the module into the kernel run:

sudo insmod build/src/dht22.ko

Once the module has been loaded, the device /dev/dht22 should have been created. You can also verify that the module has been loaded by running:

lsmod | grep dht22

To unload the module from the kernel, run:

sudo rmmod dht22

By default, the created device can only be accessed with root privileges. To make the device accessible to regular users, add proper udev-rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ or copy the provided 42-dht22.rules file.

sudo cp 42-dht22.rules /etc/udev/rules.d

Example programs

For a more exhaustive usage demonstration have a look at the provided example programs examples/*.c. To build them, configure CMake and run:

make -C build build-examples


Initially, the GPIO pin for the data transmission is pulled high. After the two-pulse handshake sequence triggers a read (1 host and 1 slave), the sensor generates 40 pulses which encode the data. Every new bit starts with a 50µs low pulse and a following high pulse. The length of the high pulse determines whether the transferred bit is a 0 or a 1. According to the datasheet, a length of around 26µs to 28µs encodes a 0 and a length of 70µs encodes a 1.

To measure the pulse width, I use an interrupt handler that is triggered on a falling edge. Thus, only the time between the 50µs low pulses can be measured. I found 110µs to be a good decision boundary between reading a 0 or a 1. If you want to look into the timing yourself you can build the module using the CMake debug configuration. Measured pulse widths and other debug information will be printed to the kernel message buffer. You can read it running dmesg.

Based on the information provided in the datasheet, it is recommended to wait for a minimum of 2 seconds after the previous poll before polling the sensor again. Therefore, a read operation will only trigger the sensor if at least 2 seconds have passed since the last read. Otherwise, the data from the previous read will be returned.

Check out the full dht22 datasheet here.

Error Code Reason
EIO Triggering sensor failed - GPIO error
ERANGE Checksum invalid - Faulty sensor read
EINVAL lseek called with invalid parameters

Credits and inspiration

While I was looking for a similar project to collect some ideas, I came across this demo module by @krepost. It really helped me feel more comfortable with the subject.

Furthermore, I want to share some other resources I found to be very useful:



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