Travel safe,Travel quick. Everything within a single click
Planning a trip while covering destinations or places enroute.
We have come up with our own version of a navigation website that would make traveling much more convinient and easy.You can now choose among the various paths available and also the time for respective modes of transport to help reach your destination as fast as possible. Not only the most time conserving route, one can also choose the most convinient path for them based on what all amenities they need. Specfic markers denoting resturants,hospitals,lodges,etc. removes the over abundance of information that yends to confuse the user in other navigation applications. The markings are based only on the user's choices thus giving a clean and better visualisation, removing other unnecesaary stuffs.
The problem with using Google Maps API Unavaibility of APIs that exactly contributes to our needs. Lack of proper description in the documentations about how a function works.
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Replit, Geocoding, GeoJSON, Node.JS