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Service to trigger CCD Events in the future


There are Business needs to do actions in future with specified period of time like reminders, state change triggers etc. ia-timed-event-service allows to schedule submission for desired CCD Event with given date and time in future.

Testing application

Unit tests and code style checks:

./gradlew build

Integration tests use Wiremock and Spring MockMvc framework:

./gradlew integration

Functional tests use started application instance:

./gradlew functional

Running application

ia-timed-event-service is common Spring Boot application. Command to run:

./gradlew bootRun

There is special testing endpoint included in the code. It can be activated by changing Spring profile. Command to run:

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=test ./gradlew bootRun


Scheduling new CCD Event can be done by sending request with TimedEvent JSON body to /timed-event endpoint:

  "caseId": 0,
  "caseType": "Asylum",
  "event": "someEvent",
  "jurisdiction": "IA",
  "scheduledDateTime": "2020-05-29T14:21:08.758Z"

event - desired CCD Event to being submitted in future

scheduledDateTime - exact date and time when CCD Event should be submitted

Response contains created TimedEvent object with id field for reference and response status 201 CREATED.

GET endpoint /timed-event/{id} allows to check if TimedEvent is scheduled in future. The endpoint returns only events scheduled in future. If the event has already been submitted, response code returns as 404 NotFound.

Sending another POST request for already created TimedEvent with valid id field, re-schedules it in the system.

API details about usages and error statuses are placed in Swagger UI


Scheduling is based on Quartz Framework and Spring Boot integration. Persistence storage is Postgres database.

Quartz Documentation

Event submission is done by dedicated system user with caseworker-ia-system role. Make sure your CCD definitions are in place before Event submission is done.

ia-timed-event-service has finite retry policy and it tries configurable number of times to submit given CCD Event.

Authentication is defined as any other Reform application with Idam Authorization token and S2S ServiceAuthorization token.

Every Business logic and validation have to be implemented in scheduled CCD Event. ia-timed-event-serivce is not responsible for checking case state data.

For example: Scheduled Event may become not needed anymore after manual user action is taken.

In this case downstream application (ia-case-api) must implement robust logic to prevent unsuspected behaviour and handle future CCD Event submission gracefully.

Adding Git Conventions

Include the git conventions.

  • Make sure your git version is at least 2.9 using the git --version command
  • Run the following command:
git config --local core.hooksPath .git-config/hooks

Once the above is done, you will be required to follow specific conventions for your commit messages and branch names.

If you violate a convention, the git error message will report clearly the convention you should follow and provide additional information where necessary.


  • Install this plugin in Chrome:

    It will automatically set the title for new PRs according to the first commit message, so you won't have to change it manually.

    Note that it will also alter other behaviours in GitHub. Hopefully these will also be improvements to you.

In case of problems

  1. Get in touch with your Technical Lead and inform them, so they can adjust the git hooks accordingly

  2. Instruct IntelliJ not to use Git Hooks for that commit or use git's --no-verify option if you are using the command-line

  3. If the rare eventuality that the above is not possible, you can disable enforcement of conventions using the following command

    git config --local --unset core.hooksPath

    Still, you shouldn't be doing it so make sure you get in touch with a Technical Lead soon afterwards.