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Install and configures iptables for IPv4 and IPv6.


This role requires Ansible 2.4 or higher.

Role Variables

Default values:

#### IPv4 ####
iptables_enabled: yes                   # The role is enabled
iptables_logging: yes                   # Log dropped packets

iptables_deny_all : yes                 # Deny all except allowed

## Filter Table ##
iptables_allowed_sources: []            # List of allowed source

iptables_allowed_tcp_ports: [22]        # List of allowed tcp ports

iptables_allowed_udp_ports: []          # List of allowed udp ports

iptables_filter_rules:                  # List of custom filter table rules
  # Accept icmp ping requests.
  - -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT

  # Allow DHCP traffic
  - -A INPUT -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -j ACCEPT

  # Allow NTP traffic for time synchronization.
  - -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
  - -A INPUT -p udp --sport 123 -j ACCEPT

## Nat Table ##
iptables_forwarded_tcp_ports: []        # Forward tcp ports
                                        # Ex. iptables_forwarded_tcp_ports:
                                        #       - { from: 22, to: 2222 }

iptables_forwarded_udp_ports: []        # Ex. iptables_forwarded_udp_ports:
                                        #       - { from: 22, to: 2222 }

iptables_dnat_tcp: []                   # DNAT tcp rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_dnat_tcp:
                                        #       - { in_interface: eth0, from: 2222, to: '' }

iptables_dnat_udp: []                   # DNAT udp rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_dnat_udp:
                                        #       - { in_interface: eth0, from: 2222, to: '' }

iptables_snat: []                       # SNAT rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_snat:
                                        #       - { out_interface: eth0, from: '', to: }

iptables_masquerade: []                 # MASQUERADE rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_masquerade:
                                        #       - { out_interface: eth0, from: }

iptables_nat_rules: []                  # List of custom nat table rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_nat_rules:
                                        #     - -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source

## Mangle Table ##
iptables_mangle_rules: []               # List of custom mangle table rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_nat_rules:
                                        #     - -A FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu

## Raw Table ##
iptables_raw_table_enabled: no
iptables_raw_rules: []                  # List of custom raw table rules

#### IPv6 ####
ip6tables_enabled: yes                  # The role is enabled
ip6tables_logging: yes                  # Log dropped packets

## Filter Table ##
ip6tables_allowed_sources: []           # List of allowed source

ip6tables_allowed_tcp_ports: [22]       # List of allowed tcp ports

ip6tables_allowed_udp_ports: []         # List of allowed udp ports

ip6tables_filter_rules:                 # List of custom filter table rules
  # Accept icmp ping requests.
  - -A INPUT -p icmpv6 -j ACCEPT

  # Allow NTP traffic for time synchronization.
  - -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
  - -A INPUT -p udp --sport 123 -j ACCEPT

  # Allow DHCPv6
  - -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 546 -j ACCEPT
  - -A INPUT -p udp --sport 546 -j ACCEPT
  - -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 547 -j ACCEPT
  - -A INPUT -p udp --sport 547 -j ACCEPT

## Nat Table ##
ip6tables_forwarded_tcp_ports: []       # Forward tcp ports
                                        # Ex. iptables_forwarded_tcp_ports:
                                        #       - { from: 22, to: 2222 }

ip6tables_forwarded_udp_ports: []       # Ex. iptables_forwarded_udp_ports:
                                        #       - { from: 22, to: 2222 }

ip6tables_dnat_tcp: []                  # DNAT tcp rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_dnat_tcp:
                                        #       - { in_interface: eth0, from: 2222, to: '[2001:555:111:01::1]:22' }

ip6tables_dnat_udp: []                  # DNAT udp rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_dnat_udp:
                                        #       - { in_interface: eth0, from: 2222, to: '[2001:555:111:01::1]:22' }

ip6tables_snat: []                      # SNAT rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_snat:
                                        #       - { out_interface: eth0, from: '2001:555:111:02::1/64', to: '2001:555:111:01::1' }

ip6tables_masquerade: []                # MASQUERADE rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_masquerade:
                                        #       - { out_interface: eth0, from: '2001:555:111:02::1/64' }

ip6tables_nat_rules: []                 # List of custom nat table rules
                                        # Ex. iptables_nat_rules:
                                        #     - -A POSTROUTING -s '2001:555:111:02::1/64' -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source '2001:555:111:01::1'

## Mangle Table ##
ip6tables_mangle_rules: []              # List of custom mangle table rules

Debian/Ubuntu values:

iptables_confdir: /etc/iptables

iptables_rules_path: "{{ iptables_confdir }}/rules.v4"  # Path iptables to rule file

ip6tables_rules_path: "{{ iptables_confdir }}/rules.v6" # Path ip6tables to rule file

RedHat/CentOS values:

iptables_confdir: /etc/sysconfig

iptables_rules_path: "{{ iptables_confdir }}/iptables"  # Path to rule file

ip6tables_rules_path: "{{ iptables_confdir }}/ip6tables"  # Path to rule file



Example Playbook

  - hosts: all
      - ansible-iptables
        - 22
        - 80
        - 443
        - -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
        - -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
        - -A INPUT -p udp --sport 123 -j ACCEPT
        - '2001:555:11::/48'
        - 22
        - 80
        - 443
        - -A INPUT -p icmpv6 -j ACCEPT
        - -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
        - -A INPUT -p udp --sport 123 -j ACCEPT


Licensed under the GPLv3 License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Author Information
