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Env is a zero depdency toolkit for configuration of the efficient work environments's that follows suckless philosophy.

In oposite to Nix or Ansible , Env is minimalistic and comes with 0-hassle - as task in hand does not requires advanced toolset.

Env utilize concept of building advanced functions out of little utilities that if primary foundation of unix ecosystem.

  • To operate it requires only bash.
  • Currently optimized for ArchLinux distribution

Env operates on top of two concepts:

  • pkgs - predefined packages
  • units - configurstion units

Env is shipped with set of predefined pkgs and units that are essential for functional enviroment.

  • base
  • desktop
  • dev
  • dev-scala

Env pkgs and units that are specific to your enviroment can managed inside private repository that should be cloned and maintained in the same main directory.

Aditionaly following directories should be considered:

  • ~/.vault - directory
  • ~/.private


Package contains the list of units that should be installed & configured

Env will try install unit package using default package menagers and if unit will be defined perform unit configuration


. ./core/

    bc                  # Calculate in bash    

env "${units[@]}"

Unit - configuration script contains all necesssary steps to configure the unit and its functions - in most cases by linking .dotfiles


. ./core/

UNIT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )

link $UNIT_DIR/.bashrc $HOME/.bashrc