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Group Search

Asep edited this page Feb 18, 2023 · 3 revisions

Let's start by creating a new class named ArticleSearch

php artisan module:make-search ArticleSearch --module=Blog

Then the class will be saved as Modules/Blog/Searches/ArticleSearch.php, then extends the class into model class Modules\Blog\Models\Article, see example below.

namespace Modules\Blog\Models;

. . 

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Modules\Blog\Searches\ArticleSearch;

class Article extends ArticleSearch

. . .

If the class is already extended then all database activities such as create, update, delete will be read, and saved into index search. Ladmin uses laravel/scout as search engine and collection as default driver.

Gate & Permissions

The data will not appear if it does not have permissions on the Menu class.

 * Set permission access
 * @return array:null
protected function searchGates()
    return ['article.index', ''];


Search data will be displayed based on data groups, to make it easier to search.

 * Group name 
 * @return string
protected function searchGropuName()
    return 'Article';

Title Search & Description

You can determine the title and description you want to display later.

 * Title search
 * @return string
protected function searchTitle()
    return $this->title;

. . .

 * Description search
 * @return string
protected function searchDescription()
    return $this->body;

Link Details

You can set detail link to redirect search result to details page

 * Set detail page
 * @return string
protected function searchLinkDetails()
    return route('', $this->slug);

Link Target

You can also change the target of the link like _self, _blank

 * Link target url
 * @return string
protected function linkTarget()
    return '_blank';

Custom View

If you need to display other data such as images, and other information, you can add a view method.

 * Custom list view
 * @param \Hexters\Ladmin\Models\LadminGroupSearch $data
 * @return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade
public function view($data)
    return view('', [
        'data' => $data

Custom Data

You can also add data such an array to the search.

 * Add custom data
 * @return array
protected function data(): array
    return [
        'image' => $this->thumbnail_url,
        'author' => $this->user->name,

Import Data Search

You can adopt all Article data manually by follow example below.

use Modules\Blog\Models\Article;

. . .

(new Article)->searchImport()

Flush Data Search

You can delete all Article data by this way.

use Modules\Blog\Models\Article;

. . .

(new Article)->searchFlush()

Config Scout

If you want to change the driver of the search engine, you can edit in the config/scout.php file.