- Overview/disclaimer
- Introduction
- Requirements
Gibbs sampler created for microwave sky component separation.
This version has undergone a massive restructuring to prepare the code for future usability and smarter object orientation.
The current head of the master
branch reproduces the results of arxiv:2201.03530, but the original paper was published using the following hash:
This code has been developed for Bayesian data analysis of the microwave/sub-mm sky in pixel space. This code utilizes Gibbs sampling to map out the distribution of parameters. Functionalities are regularly added as needed.
This code has been developed in FORTRAN 90, despite the ancient nature of the language.
Requirements are as follows:
- CFITSIO (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/)
- HEALPix (and dependencies) (https://healpix.sourceforge.io/)
- OpenMP
If one wishes to utilize the full speed of this software, they must manually link parallelized LAPACK libraries within the Makefile.