flowchart LR
P1C[PC1:CPU] --> C
P2C[PC2:CPU] --> C
P2M[PC2:RAM] --> C
P3D[PC3:DSK] --> C
C <--> R1[Reader 1]
C <--> R2[Reader N]
style C stroke:orange
This project uses Lombok to generate boilerplate code. When opening this project in IntelliJ, annotation processing is recommended. Maven will compile the project without any additional configuration.
This project uses Oshi to get system information. Oshi is a cross-platform library that provides information about the hardware and software of the system.
Pre-built images are built using Google Jib efficiently for each
commit on the main
These images are available with the dev
tag on the
packages of this repository
If one wants to build the images locally, the following command can be used that uses a multi-stage build to build the JAR and then build the image:
docker build -t dai-pw03:dev .
Using Docker compose, a set of nodes and an aggregator can easily be started:
docker-compose up
This will start 4 nodes and 1 aggregator with the 6343 port open for UDP, one can then use either the image or a locally built JAR to start a reader:
docker run --rm -it ghcr.io/heig-lherman/dai-pw03 reader -H <aggregator-ip>
Where <aggregator-ip>
is the IP address of the host server, in the docker compose case above you should input
the gateway to the docker local subnet (often in the form of
This project can also be packaged and run without using Docker.
To build the JAR without using the Docker image, run the following command from the root of the repository:
./mvnw clean package
To run the JAR, run the following command from the root of the repository:
java -jar target/pw-distributed-monitoring-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <command>
The CLI methods are documented in the form of usage messages, given using the --help
java -jar target/pw-distributed-monitoring-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --help
Usage: DistributedMonitoring [-hVv] [COMMAND]
Aggregate monitoring data from multiple sources.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v Change log verbosity. Use -vvv for maximum verbosity.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
help Display help information about the specified command.
aggregator Start an aggregator server to receive and store metrics
node Start a node unit to send metrics
reader Start a reader client to fetch metrics
: Starts the aggregator
Usage: DistributedMonitoring aggregator [-hVv] [-i=<iface>] [-O=<metricsPort>]
Start an aggregator server to receive and store metrics
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-i, --iface, --interface=<iface>
interface to use for metrics collection
-O, --metrics-port=<metricsPort>
server port for metrics
-p, --server-port=<serverPort>
server port for request
-v Change log verbosity. Use -vvv for maximum verbosity.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
: Starts a node that sends metrics to the aggregator
Usage: DistributedMonitoring node [-hVv] [--delay=<delay>]
[--frequency=<frequency>] [-H=<hostname>]
[-i=<iface>] -m=<metric> [-p=<port>]
Start a node unit to send metrics
--delay=<delay> delay before sending metrics in seconds
frequency of metrics sending in seconds
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-H, --hostname=<hostname>
hostname of this node. Default: machine hostname
-i, --iface, --interface=<iface>
interface to use
-m, --metric=<metric> metric to send
-p, --port=<port> server port
-v Change log verbosity. Use -vvv for maximum verbosity.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
: Starts a reader that reads metrics from the aggregator
Usage: DistributedMonitoring reader [-hVv] [-H=<ipAddress>] [-p=<port>]
Start a reader client to fetch metrics
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-H, --host=<ipAddress> server host IP address
-p, --port=<port> server port
-v Change log verbosity. Use -vvv for maximum verbosity.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
The complete version of the protocol is available in multicast protocol and unicast protocol.
For this part of our architecture, we have decided to use a UDP-type protocol using the fire-and-forget communication method. We chose to do multicast so that the aggregator can receive data from all the nodes at the same time.
We have decided to use the following multicast addresses for the different types of data:
<type>{value=<value>, host=<host>}
: Type of the data sent (cpu, ram, dsk)<value>
: Value of the sent data- cpu : CPU consumption in percentage
- ram : RAM consumption in MB
- dsk : Disk consumption in MB
: Name of the machine sending the data (hostname). Must be unique for each machine.
participant Node_1 as Node_1
participant Aggregator as Aggregator
participant Node_2 as Node_2
Node_1 ->> Aggregator: cpu{value=30.00, host=Node_1}
Node_1 ->> Aggregator: ram{value=10000.00, host=Node_1}
Node_2 ->> Aggregator : dsk{value=10000.00, host=Node_2}
In this part of the architecture, we have decided to use a UDP-type protocol in Unicast mode and using the request-response communication method. We chose to do unicast so that the reader can receive specific data from the aggregator.
: Request to get the list of emittersGET_EMITTER <emitter>
: Request to get the values of a specific emitter<emitter>
: Hostname of the emitter to get the values from
[<emitter>, ...]
: List of emitters. Empty if there is no emitter.<emitter>
: Hostname of the emitter
[<metric>: <value>, ...]
: List of values for the requested emitter. The list limit is 10 values and can be empty if the emitter does not exist.<metric>
: Type of the data sent (CPU, RAM, DSK)<value>
: Value of the sent data- cpu : CPU consumption in percentage
- ram : RAM consumption in MB
- dsk : Disk consumption in MB
ERROR <ErrorNum>
: Send an error to the reader<ErrorNum>
: Error number1
: The message could not be parsed
participant Aggregator as Aggregator
participant Reader as Reader
Reader ->> Aggregator: GET_EMITTERS
Aggregator ->> Reader: [Node_1, Node_2]
Reader ->> Aggregator: GET_EMITTER Node_1
Aggregator ->> Reader: [cpu: 30.00, ram: 10000.00]
Reader ->> Aggregator: HOLA
Aggregator ->> Reader: ERROR 1
Reader ->> Aggregator: GET_EMITTER Node_3
Aggregator ->> Reader: []
MDSMP (Multicast Distributed Server Monitoring Protocol) and UDSMP (Unicast Distributed Server Monitoring Protocol) working together
participant Node_1 as Node_1
participant Node_2 as Node_2
participant Aggregator as Aggregator
participant Reader as Reader
Node_1 ->> Aggregator: cpu{value=30.00, host=Node_1}
Node_1 ->> Aggregator: ram{value=10000.00, host=Node_1}
Node_2 ->> Aggregator : dsk{value=10000.00, host=Node_2}
Reader ->> Aggregator: GET_EMITTERS
Aggregator ->> Reader: [Node_1, Node_2]
Reader ->> Aggregator: GET_EMITTER Node_1
Aggregator ->> Reader: [cpu: 30.00, ram: 10000.00]
Reader ->> Aggregator: HOLA
Aggregator ->> Reader: ERROR 1
Reader ->> Aggregator: GET_EMITTER Node_3
Aggregator ->> Reader: []