A simple docker setup to run etherdelta on your local system
- Docker
Build the Docker image
docker build -t "etherdelta-local:0.0.1" --rm=true --no-cache .
Once the image is built, start up a container
docker run -itd --name="etherdelta" -p 9001:9001 etherdelta-local:0.0.1
Now that is the setup is done, run the server
docker exec -it etherdelta bash -c "cd etherdelta.github.io && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9001"
The local version of Etherdelta should be running now, to access it point your browser to localhost:9001
- Hacks on Etherdelta domain.
- Attacks on DNS of Etherdelta
- Etherdelta Servers unavailable
- If the Etherdelta smartcontract is compromised