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Test and benchmark fromAscList and friends
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Add property tests and benchmarks for fromAscList and related
functions for Set and Map.
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meooow25 committed Sep 11, 2024
1 parent e3bd02d commit b4ea836
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Showing 4 changed files with 118 additions and 47 deletions.
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions containers-tests/benchmarks/Map.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ main = do
m_even = M.fromAscList elems_even :: M.Map Int Int
m_odd = M.fromAscList elems_odd :: M.Map Int Int
evaluate $ rnf [m, m_even, m_odd]
evaluate $ rnf elems_rev
evaluate $ rnf [elems_rev, elems_asc, elems_desc]
[ bench "lookup absent" $ whnf (lookup evens) m_odd
, bench "lookup present" $ whnf (lookup evens) m_even
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ main = do
, bench "insertLookupWithKey' present" $ whnf (insLookupWithKey' elems_even) m_even
, bench "mapWithKey" $ whnf (M.mapWithKey (+)) m
, bench "foldlWithKey" $ whnf (ins elems) m
, bench "foldlWithKey'" $ whnf (M.foldlWithKey' sum 0) m
, bench "foldlWithKey'" $ whnf (M.foldlWithKey' sumkv 0) m
, bench "foldrWithKey" $ whnf (M.foldrWithKey consPair []) m
, bench "foldrWithKey'" $ whnf (M.foldrWithKey' consPair []) m
, bench "update absent" $ whnf (upd Just evens) m_odd
Expand All @@ -88,8 +88,13 @@ main = do
, bench "intersection" $ whnf (M.intersection m) m_even
, bench "split" $ whnf (M.split (bound `div` 2)) m
, bench "fromList" $ whnf M.fromList elems
, bench "fromList-desc" $ whnf M.fromList (reverse elems)
, bench "fromAscList" $ whnf M.fromAscList elems
, bench "fromList-desc" $ whnf M.fromList elems_desc
, bench "fromAscList" $ whnf M.fromAscList elems_asc
, bench "fromAscListWithKey" $
whnf (M.fromAscListWithKey sumkv) elems_asc
, bench "fromDescList" $ whnf M.fromDescList elems_desc
, bench "fromDescListWithKey" $
whnf (M.fromDescListWithKey sumkv) elems_desc
, bench "fromDistinctAscList" $ whnf M.fromDistinctAscList elems
, bench "fromDistinctAscList:fusion" $ whnf (\n -> M.fromDistinctAscList [(i,i) | i <- [1..n]]) bound
, bench "fromDistinctDescList" $ whnf M.fromDistinctDescList elems_rev
Expand All @@ -104,11 +109,15 @@ main = do
elems_even = zip evens evens
elems_odd = zip odds odds
elems_rev = reverse elems
keys_asc = map (`div` 2) [1..bound] -- [0,1,1,2,2..]
elems_asc = zip keys_asc values
keys_desc = map (`div` 2) [bound,bound-1..1] -- [..2,2,1,1,0]
elems_desc = zip keys_desc values
keys = [1..bound]
evens = [2,4..bound]
odds = [1,3..bound]
values = [1..bound]
sum k v1 v2 = k + v1 + v2
sumkv k v1 v2 = k + v1 + v2
consPair k v xs = (k, v) : xs

add3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions containers-tests/benchmarks/Set.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ main = do
s_odd = S.fromAscList elems_odd :: S.Set Int
strings_s = S.fromList strings
evaluate $ rnf [s, s_even, s_odd]
evaluate $ rnf elems_rev
evaluate $ rnf [elems_rev, elems_asc, elems_desc]
[ bench "member" $ whnf (member elems) s
, bench "insert" $ whnf (ins elems) S.empty
Expand All @@ -33,9 +33,10 @@ main = do
, bench "intersection" $ whnf (S.intersection s) s_even
, bench "fromList" $ whnf S.fromList elems
, bench "fromList-desc" $ whnf S.fromList (reverse elems)
, bench "fromAscList" $ whnf S.fromAscList elems
, bench "fromAscList" $ whnf S.fromAscList elems_asc
, bench "fromDistinctAscList" $ whnf S.fromDistinctAscList elems
, bench "fromDistinctAscList:fusion" $ whnf (\n -> S.fromDistinctAscList [1..n]) bound
, bench "fromDescList" $ whnf S.fromDescList elems_desc
, bench "fromDistinctDescList" $ whnf S.fromDistinctDescList elems_rev
, bench "fromDistinctDescList:fusion" $ whnf (\n -> S.fromDistinctDescList [n,n-1..1]) bound
, bench "disjoint:false" $ whnf (S.disjoint s) s_even
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ main = do
elems_even = [2,4..bound]
elems_odd = [1,3..bound]
elems_rev = reverse elems
elems_asc = map (`div` 2) [1..bound] -- [0,1,1,2,2..]
elems_desc = map (`div` 2) [bound,bound-1..1] -- [..2,2,1,1,0]
strings = map show elems

member :: [Int] -> S.Set Int -> Int
Expand Down
92 changes: 70 additions & 22 deletions containers-tests/tests/map-properties.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ import qualified Prelude

import Data.List (nub,sort)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,9 +187,13 @@ main = defaultMain $ testGroup "map-properties"
, testProperty "unionWithKeyMerge" prop_unionWithKeyMerge
, testProperty "mergeWithKey model" prop_mergeWithKeyModel
, testProperty "mergeA effects" prop_mergeA_effects
, testProperty "fromAscList" prop_ordered
, testProperty "fromAscList" prop_fromAscList
, testProperty "fromAscListWith" prop_fromAscListWith
, testProperty "fromAscListWithKey" prop_fromAscListWithKey
, testProperty "fromDistinctAscList" prop_fromDistinctAscList
, testProperty "fromDescList" prop_rev_ordered
, testProperty "fromDescList" prop_fromDescList
, testProperty "fromDescListWith" prop_fromDescListWith
, testProperty "fromDescListWithKey" prop_fromDescListWithKey
, testProperty "fromDistinctDescList" prop_fromDistinctDescList
, testProperty "fromList then toList" prop_list
, testProperty "toDescList" prop_descList
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1272,31 +1278,46 @@ instance Arbitrary WhenMatchedSpec where


prop_ordered :: Property
= forAll (choose (5,100)) $ \n ->
let xs = [(x,()) | x <- [0..n::Int]]
in fromAscList xs == fromList xs

prop_rev_ordered :: Property
= forAll (choose (5,100)) $ \n ->
let xs = [(x,()) | x <- [0..n::Int]]
in fromDescList (reverse xs) == fromList xs

prop_list :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_list xs = (sort (nub xs) == [x | (x,()) <- toList (fromList [(x,()) | x <- xs])])

prop_descList :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_descList xs = (reverse (sort (nub xs)) == [x | (x,()) <- toDescList (fromList [(x,()) | x <- xs])])

prop_fromDescList :: [(Int, A)] -> Property
prop_fromDescList kxs =
valid t .&&.
t === fromList kxs
downSortedKxs = List.sortBy (comparing (Down . fst)) kxs
t = fromDescList downSortedKxs

prop_fromDescListWith :: Fun (A, A) A -> [(Int, A)] -> Property
prop_fromDescListWith f kxs =
valid t .&&.
t === fromListWith (apply2 f) downSortedKxs
downSortedKxs = List.sortBy (comparing (Down . fst)) kxs
t = fromDescListWith (apply2 f) downSortedKxs

prop_fromDescListWithKey :: Fun (Int, A, A) A -> [(Int, A)] -> Property
prop_fromDescListWithKey f kxs =
valid t .&&.
t === fromListWithKey (apply3 f) downSortedKxs
downSortedKxs = List.sortBy (comparing (Down . fst)) kxs
t = fromDescListWithKey (apply3 f) downSortedKxs

prop_fromDistinctDescList :: [(Int, A)] -> Property
prop_fromDistinctDescList xs =
prop_fromDistinctDescList kxs =
valid t .&&.
toList t === nub_sort_xs
toList t === reverse nubDownSortedKxs
t = fromDistinctDescList (reverse nub_sort_xs)
nub_sort_xs = List.head $ List.groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ List.sortBy (comparing fst) xs
nubDownSortedKxs = NE.head $
NE.groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $
List.sortBy (comparing (Down . fst)) kxs
t = fromDistinctDescList nubDownSortedKxs

prop_ascDescList :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_ascDescList xs = toAscList m == reverse (toDescList m)
Expand All @@ -1309,13 +1330,40 @@ prop_fromList xs
t == List.foldr (uncurry insert) empty (zip xs xs)
where sort_xs = sort xs

prop_fromAscList :: [(Int, A)] -> Property
prop_fromAscList kxs =
valid t .&&.
t === fromList sortedKxs
sortedKxs = List.sortBy (comparing fst) kxs
t = fromAscList sortedKxs

prop_fromAscListWith :: Fun (A, A) A -> [(Int, A)] -> Property
prop_fromAscListWith f kxs =
valid t .&&.
t === fromListWith (apply2 f) sortedKxs
sortedKxs = List.sortBy (comparing fst) kxs
t = fromAscListWith (apply2 f) sortedKxs

prop_fromAscListWithKey :: Fun (Int, A, A) A -> [(Int, A)] -> Property
prop_fromAscListWithKey f kxs =
valid t .&&.
t === fromListWithKey (apply3 f) sortedKxs
sortedKxs = List.sortBy (comparing fst) kxs
t = fromAscListWithKey (apply3 f) sortedKxs

prop_fromDistinctAscList :: [(Int, A)] -> Property
prop_fromDistinctAscList xs =
prop_fromDistinctAscList kxs =
valid t .&&.
toList t === nub_sort_xs
toList t === nubSortedKxs
t = fromDistinctAscList nub_sort_xs
nub_sort_xs = List.head $ List.groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ List.sortBy (comparing fst) xs
nubSortedKxs = NE.head $
NE.groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $
List.sortBy (comparing fst) kxs
t = fromDistinctAscList nubSortedKxs


Expand Down
47 changes: 29 additions & 18 deletions containers-tests/tests/set-properties.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.List (nub,sort)
import Data.List (nub, sort, sortBy)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Data.Maybe
Expand All @@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM3)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Foldable (all)
import Data.Ord (Down(..), comparing)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806
import Utils.NoThunks (whnfHasNoThunks)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,8 +69,9 @@ main = defaultMain $ testGroup "set-properties"
, testProperty "prop_DescList" prop_DescList
, testProperty "prop_AscDescList" prop_AscDescList
, testProperty "prop_fromList" prop_fromList
, testProperty "prop_fromAscList" prop_fromAscList
, testProperty "prop_fromDistinctAscList" prop_fromDistinctAscList
, testProperty "prop_fromListDesc" prop_fromListDesc
, testProperty "prop_fromDescList" prop_fromDescList
, testProperty "prop_fromDistinctDescList" prop_fromDistinctDescList
, testProperty "prop_isProperSubsetOf" prop_isProperSubsetOf
, testProperty "prop_isProperSubsetOf2" prop_isProperSubsetOf2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -528,35 +531,43 @@ prop_AscDescList xs = toAscList s == reverse (toDescList s)

prop_fromList :: [Int] -> Property
prop_fromList xs =
t === fromAscList sort_xs .&&.
valid t .&&.
t === List.foldr insert empty xs
where t = fromList xs
sort_xs = sort xs

prop_fromAscList :: [Int] -> Property
prop_fromAscList xs =
valid t .&&.
toList t === nubSortedXs
sortedXs = sort xs
nubSortedXs = NE.head $ sortedXs
t = fromAscList sortedXs

prop_fromDistinctAscList :: [Int] -> Property
prop_fromDistinctAscList xs =
valid t .&&.
toList t === nub_sort_xs
toList t === nubSortedXs
t = fromDistinctAscList nub_sort_xs
nub_sort_xs = List.head $ $ sort xs
nubSortedXs = NE.head $ $ sort xs
t = fromDistinctAscList nubSortedXs

prop_fromListDesc :: [Int] -> Property
prop_fromListDesc xs =
t === fromDescList sort_xs .&&.
t === fromDistinctDescList nub_sort_xs .&&.
t === List.foldr insert empty xs
where t = fromList xs
sort_xs = reverse (sort xs)
nub_sort_xs = List.head $ sort_xs
prop_fromDescList :: [Int] -> Property
prop_fromDescList xs =
valid t .&&.
toList t === reverse nubDownSortedXs
downSortedXs = sortBy (comparing Down) xs
nubDownSortedXs = NE.head $ downSortedXs
t = fromDescList downSortedXs

prop_fromDistinctDescList :: [Int] -> Property
prop_fromDistinctDescList xs =
valid t .&&.
toList t === nub_sort_xs
toList t === reverse nubDownSortedXs
t = fromDistinctDescList (reverse nub_sort_xs)
nub_sort_xs = List.head $ $ sort xs
nubDownSortedXs = NE.head $ $ sortBy (comparing Down) xs
t = fromDistinctDescList nubDownSortedXs

Set operations are like IntSet operations
Expand Down

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