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Releases: hashicorp/terraform-provider-google


08 Jul 17:18
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  • New Data Source: google_kms_crypto_keys (#18605)
  • New Data Source: google_kms_key_rings (#18611)
  • New Resource: google_scc_v2_organization_notification_config (#18594)
  • New Resource: google_secure_source_manager_repository (#18576)
  • New Resource: google_storage_managed_folder_iam (#18555)
  • New Resource: google_storage_managed_folder (#18555)


  • certificatemanager: added allowlisted_certificates field to google_certificate_manager_trust_config resource (#18587)
  • compute: added max_run_duration and on_instance_stop_action fields to google_compute_instance, google_compute_instance_template, and google_compute_instance_from_machine_image resources (#18623)
  • dataplex: added sql_assertion field to google_dataplex_datascan resource (#18559)
  • gkehub: added fleet_default_member_config.configmanagement.config_sync.enabled field to google_gke_hub_feature resource (#18582)
  • netapp: added zone and replica_zone field to google_netapp_storage_pool resource (#18609)
  • vertexai: added project_number field to google_vertex_ai_feature_online_store_featureview resource (#18637)
  • workstations: added host.gce_instance.vm_tags field to google_workstations_workstation_config resource (#18588)


  • compute: fixed a bug preventing the creation of google_compute_autoscaler and google_compute_region_autoscaler resources if both autoscaling_policy.max_replicas and autoscaling_policy.min_replicas were configured as zero. (#18607)
  • resourcemanager: mitigated eventual consistency issues by adding a 10s wait after google_service_account_key resource creation (#18566)
  • vertexai: fixed issue where updating "metadata" field could fail in google_vertex_ai_index resource (#18632)


01 Jul 17:11
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  • New Resource: google_storage_managed_folder_iam (#18555)
  • New Resource: google_storage_managed_folder (#18555)


  • bigtable: added ignore_warnings field to google_bigtable_gc_policy resource (#18492)
  • cloudfunctions2: added build_config.automatic_update_policy and build_config.on_deploy_update_policy fields to google_cloudfunctions2_function resource (#18540)
  • compute: added confidential_instance_config.confidential_instance_type field to google_compute_instance, google_compute_instance_template, and google_compute_region_instance_template resources (#18554)
  • compute: added custom_error_response_policy and default_custom_error_response_policy fields to google_compute_url_map resource (#18511)
  • compute: added tls_early_data field to google_compute_target_https_proxy resource (#18512)
  • compute: promoted google_compute_network_attachment resource from beta to GA (#18494)
  • datafusion: added connection_type and private_service_connect_config fields to google_data_fusion_instance resource (#18525)
  • healthcare: added encryption_spec field to google_healthcare_dataset resource (#18528)
  • monitoring: added links field to google_monitoring_alert_policy resource (#18549)
  • vertexai: added update support for big_query.entity_id_columns field on google_vertex_ai_feature_group resource (#18493)
  • vertexai: promoted dedicated_serving_endpoint field on google_vertex_ai_feature_online_store resource from beta to GA (#18513)


  • accesscontextmanager: fixed perma-diff caused by ordering of service_perimeters in google_access_context_manager_service_perimeters resource (#18520)
  • compute: fixed a crash in google_compute_reservation resource when share_settings field has changes (#18498)
  • compute: fixed issue in google_compute_instance resource where service_account is not set when specifying and no service_account.scopes (#18521)
  • gkehub2: fixed google_gke_hub_feature resource to allow fleet_default_member_config field to be unset (#18487)
  • identityplatform: fixed perma-diff on google_identity_platform_config resource when sms_region_config is not set (#18537)
  • logging: fixed perma-diff on index_configs in google_logging_organization_bucket_config resource (#18501)


24 Jun 17:21
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  • New Data Source: google_artifact_registry_docker_image (#18446)
  • New Resource: google_service_networking_vpc_service_controls (#18448)


  • billingbudget: added enable_project_level_recipients field to google_billing_budget resource (#18437)
  • compute: added action_token_site_keys and session_token_site_keys fields to google_compute_security_policy and google_compute_security_policy_rule resources (#18414)
  • gkehub2: added ENTERPRISE option to security_posture_config field on google_gke_hub_fleet resource (#18440)
  • pubsub: added bigquery_config.service_account_email field to google_pubsub_subscription resource (#18444)
  • redis: added maintenance_version field to google_redis_instance resource (#18424)
  • storage: changed update behavior in google_storage_bucket_object to no longer delete to avoid object deletion on content update (#18479)
  • sql: added support for more MySQL values in type field of google_sql_user resource (#18452)
  • sql: increased timeouts on google_sql_database_instance to 90m to account for longer-running actions such as creation through cloning (#18458)
  • workbench: added update support to gce_setup.boot_disk and gce_setup.data_disks fields in google_workbench_instance resource (#18482)


  • compute: updated google_compute_instance to force reboot if min_node_cpus is updated (#18420)
  • compute: fixed description field in google_compute_firewall to support empty/null values on update (#18478)
  • compute: fixed perma-diff on google_compute_disk for Ubuntu amd64 canonical LTS images (#18418)
  • storage: fixed lowercased custom_placement_config values in google_storage_bucket causing perma-destroy (#18456)
  • workbench: fixed issue where instance was not starting after an update in google_workbench_instance resource (#18464)
  • workbench: fixed perma-diff caused by empty accelerator_configs in google_workbench_instance resource (#18464)


17 Jun 17:30
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  • compute: Updated field description of connection_draining_timeout_sec, balancing_mode and outlier_detection in google_compute_region_backend_service and google_compute_backend_service to inform that default values will be changed in 6.0.0 (#18399)


  • New Resource: google_netapp_backup (#18357)
  • New Resource: google_network_services_service_lb_policies (#18326)
  • New Resource: google_scc_management_folder_security_health_analytics_custom_module (#18360)
  • New Resource: google_scc_management_organization_project_security_health_analytics_custom_module (#18369)
  • New Resource: google_scc_management_organization_security_health_analytics_custom_module (#18374)


  • alloydb: changed the resource google_alloydb_instance to be created directly with public IP enabled instead of creating the resource with public IP disabled and then enabling it (#18344)
  • bigtable: added automated_backup_configuration field to google_bigtable_table resource (#18335)
  • cloudbuildv2: added support for connecting to Bitbucket Data Center and Bitbucket Cloud with the bitbucket_data_center_config and bitbucket_cloud_config fields in google_cloudbuildv2_connection (#18375)
  • compute: added update support to ssl_policy field in google_compute_region_target_https_proxy resource (#18361)
  • compute: removed enum validation on guest_os_features.type in google_compute_disk to allow for new features to be used without provider update (#18331)
  • compute: updated documentation of google_compute_target_https_proxy and google_compute_region_target_https_proxy (#18358)
  • container: added support for security_posture_config.mode value "ENTERPRISE" in resource_container_cluster (#18334)
  • discoveryengine: added document_processing_config field to google_discovery_engine_data_store resource (#18350)
  • edgecontainer: added 'maintenance_exclusions' field to 'google_edgecontainer_cluster' resource (#18370)
  • gkehub: added prevent_drift field to ConfigManagement fleet_default_member_config (#18330)
  • netapp: added administrators field to google_netapp_active_directory resource (#18333)
  • vertexai: promoted optimized field to GA for google_vertex_ai_feature_online_store resource (#18348)
  • workbench: updated the metadata keys managed by the backend. (#18367)


  • compute: fixed an issue where google_compute_instance_group_manager with a pending operation was incorrectly removed due to the operation no longer being present in the backend (#18380)
  • compute: fixed issue where users could not create google_compute_security_policy resources with layer_7_ddos_defense_config explicitly disabled (#18345)
  • workbench: fixed a bug in the google_workbench_instance resource where specifying a network in some scenarios would cause instance creation to fail (#18404


12 Jun 17:27
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  • The 4.85.0 release backports configuration for the retention period for Cloud Storage soft delete ( so that customers who have not yet upgraded to 5.22.0+ are able to configure the retention period of objects in their buckets. By upgrading to this version and configuring or otherwise interacting with the google_storage_bucket.soft_delete_policy values, you will need to upgrade directly to 5.22.0+ from 4.85.0 when upgrading to 5.X in the future.


  • storage: added soft_delete_policy to google_storage_bucket resource (#17624)


10 Jun 16:26
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  • healthcare: deprecated notification_config in google_healthcare_fhir_store resource. Use notification_configs instead. (#18306)


  • New Data Source: google_compute_security_policy (#18316)
  • New Resource: google_compute_project_cloud_armor_tier (#18319)
  • New Resource: google_network_services_service_lb_policies (#18326)
  • New Resource: google_scc_management_organization_event_threat_detection_custom_module (#18317)
  • New Resource: google_spanner_instance_config (#18322)


  • appengine: added flexible_runtime_settings field to google_app_engine_flexible_app_version resource (#18325)
  • bigtable: added force_destroy field to google_bigtable_instance resource. This will force delete any backups present in the instance and allow the instance to be deleted. (#18291)
  • clouddeploy: added execution_configs.verbose field to google_clouddeploy_target resource (#18292)
  • compute: added storage_pool field to google_compute_disk resource (#18273)
  • dlp: added secrets_discovery_target, cloud_sql_target.filter.database_resource_reference, and big_query_target.filter.table_reference fields to google_data_loss_prevention_discovery_config resource (#18324)
  • gkebackup: added backup_schedule.backup_config.permissive_mode field to google_gke_backup_backup_plan resource (#18266)
  • gkebackup: added restore_config.restore_order field to google_gke_backup_restore_plan resource (#18266)
  • gkebackup: added restore_config.volume_data_restore_policy_bindings field to google_gke_backup_restore_plan resource (#18266)
  • gkebackup: added new enum values MERGE_SKIP_ON_CONFLICT, MERGE_REPLACE_VOLUME_ON_CONFLICT and MERGE_REPLACE_ON_CONFLICT to field restore_config.namespaced_resource_restore_mode in google_gke_backup_restore_plan resource (#18266)
  • healthcare: added notification_config.send_for_bulk_import field to google_healthcare_dicom_store resource (#18320)
  • healthcare: added notification_configs field to google_healthcare_fhir_store resource (#18306)
  • integrationconnectors: added endpoint_global_access field to google_integration_connectors_endpoint_attachment resource (#18293)
  • netapp: added backup_config field to google_netapp_volume resource (#18286)
  • redis: added zone_distribution_config field to google_redis_cluster resource (#18307)
  • resourcemanager: added support for range_type = "default-domains-netblocks" in google_netblock_ip_ranges data source (#18290)
  • secretmanager: added support for IAM conditions in google_secret_manager_secret_iam_* resources (#18294)
  • workstations: added boot_disk_size_gb, enable_nested_virtualization, and pool_size to host.gce_instance.boost_configs in google_workstations_workstation_config resource (#18310)


  • container: fixed google_container_node_pool crash if node_config.secondary_boot_disks.mode is not set (#18323)
  • dlp: removed required on inspect_config.limits.max_findings_per_info_type.info_type field to allow the use of default limit by not setting this field in google_data_loss_prevention_inspect_template resource (#18285)
  • provider: fixed application default credential and access token authorization when universe_domain is set (#18272)


03 Jun 16:14
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  • privateca: converted google_privateca_certificate_template to now use the MMv1 engine instead of DCL (#18224)


  • New Resource: google_dataplex_entry_type (#18229)
  • New Resource: google_logging_log_view_iam_binding (#18243)
  • New Resource: google_logging_log_view_iam_member (#18243)
  • New Resource: google_logging_log_view_iam_policy (#18243)


  • alloydb: added psc_config field to google_alloydb_cluster resource (#18263)
  • alloydb: added psc_instance_config field to google_alloydb_instance resource (#18263)
  • cloudrunv2: added default_uri_disabled field to resource google_cloud_run_v2_service resource (#18246)
  • compute: added NONE to acceptable options for update_policy.minimal_action field in google_compute_instance_group_manager resource (#18236)
  • looker: increased validation length of name to google_looker_instance resource (#18244)
  • sql: updated support for a new value week5 in field setting.maintenance_window.update_track in google_sql_database_instance resource (#18223)


  • cloudrunv2: added validation for timeout field to google_cloud_run_v2_job and google_cloud_run_v2_service resources (#18260)
  • compute: fixed permadiff in ordering of advertised_ip_ranges.range field on google_compute_router resource (#18228)
  • iam: added a 10 second sleep when creating a 'google_service_account' resource to reduce eventual consistency errors(#18261)
  • storage: fixed google_storage_bucket.lifecycle_rule.condition block fields days_since_noncurrent_time and days_since_custom_time and num_newer_versions were not working for 0 value (#18231)


28 May 22:27
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  • iam: added a 10 second sleep when creating a google_service_account to reduce eventual consistency errors. See #18024 for more details (#18261)


28 May 17:56
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  • New Data Source: google_compute_subnetworks (#18159)
  • New Resource: google_dataplex_aspect_type (#18201)
  • New Resource: google_dataplex_entry_group (#18188)
  • New Resource: google_kms_autokey_config (#18179)
  • New Resource: google_kms_key_handle (#18179)
  • New Resource: google_network_services_lb_route_extension (#18195)


  • appengine: added field instance_ip_mode to resource google_app_engine_flexible_app_version resource (beta) (#18168)
  • bigquery: added external_data_configuration.bigtable_options to google_bigquery_table (#18181)
  • composer: added support for importing google_composer_user_workloads_secret via the "{{environment}}/{{name}}" format. (#7390)
  • composer: improved timeouts for google_composer_user_workloads_secret. (#7390)
  • compute: added TLS_JA3_FINGERPRINT and USER_IP options in field rate_limit_options.enforce_on_key to google_compute_security_policy resource (#18167)
  • compute: added 'rateLimitOptions' field to 'google_compute_security_policy_rule' resource (#18167)
  • compute: changed google_compute_region_ssl_policy's region field to optional and allow to be inferred from environment (#18178)
  • compute: added subnet_length field to google_compute_interconnect_attachment resource (#18187)
  • container: added containerd_config field and subfields to google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool resources, to allow those resources to access private image registries. (#18160)
  • container: allowed both enable_autopilot and workload_identity_config to be set in google_container_cluster resource. (#18166)
  • datastream: added create_without_validation field to google_datastream_connection_profile, google_datastream_private_connection and google_datastream_stream resources (#18176)
  • network-security: added trust_config, min_tls_version, tls_feature_profile and custom_tls_features fields to google_network_security_tls_inspection_policy resource (#18139)
  • networkservices: made field load_balancing_scheme immutable in resource google_network_services_lb_traffic_extension, as in-place updating is always failing (#18195)
  • networkservices: made required fields extension_chains.extensions.authority and extension_chains.extensions.timeout optional in resource google_network_services_lb_traffic_extension (#18195)
  • networkservices: removed unsupported load balancing scheme LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEME_UNSPECIFIED from the field load_balancing_scheme in resource google_network_services_lb_traffic_extension (#18195)
  • pubsub: added cloud_storage_config.filename_datetime_format field to google_pubsub_subscription resource (#18180)
  • tpu: added type of accelerator_config to google_tpu_v2_vm resource (#18148)


  • monitoring: fixed a permadiff with monitored_resource.labels property in the google_monitoring_uptime_check_config resource (#18174)
  • storage: fixed a bug where field autoclass block is generating permadiff whenever the block is removed from the config in google_storage_bucket resource (#18197)
  • storagetransfer: fixed a permadiff with transfer_spec.0.aws_s3_data_source.0.aws_access_key resource_storage_transfer_job (#18190)


20 May 17:15
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  • New Data Source: google_cloud_asset_resources_search_all (#18129)
  • New Resource: google_compute_interconnect (#18064)
  • New Resource: google_network_services_lb_traffic_extension (#18138)


  • compute: added kms_key_name field to google_bigquery_connection resource (#18057)
  • compute: added auto_network_tier field to google_compute_router_nat resource (#18055)
  • compute: promoted enable_ipv4, ipv4_nexthop_address and peer_ipv4_nexthop_address fields in google_compute_router_peer resource to GA (#18056)
  • compute: promoted identifier_range field in google_compute_router resource to GA (#18056)
  • compute: promoted ip_version field in google_compute_router_interface resource to GA (#18056)
  • container: added KUBELET and CADVISOR options to monitoring_config.enable_components in google_container_cluster resource (#18090)
  • dataproc: added local_ssd_interface to google_dataproc_cluster resource (#18137)
  • dataprocmetastore: promoted google_dataproc_metastore_federation to GA (#18084)
  • dlp: added cloud_sql_target field to google_data_loss_prevention_discovery_config resource (#18063)
  • netapp: added FLEX value to field service_level in google_netapp_storage_pool resource (#18088)
  • networksecurity: added trust_config, min_tls_version, tls_feature_profile and custom_tls_features fields to google_network_security_tls_inspection_policy resource (#18139)
  • networkservices: supported in-place update for gateway_security_policy and certificate_urls fields in google_network_services_gateway resource (#18082)


  • compute: fixed a perma-diff on machine_type field in google_compute_instance resource (#18071)
  • compute: fixed a perma-diff on type field in google_compute_disk resource (#18071)
  • storage: fixed update issue for lifecycle_rule.condition.custom_time_before and lifecycle_rule.condition.noncurrent_time_before in google_storage_bucket resource (#18127)