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Kubernetes Playground

Playground to learn deployment a web service on a cluster. For more details and motivation, check my post

Before you start

Make sure you have a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account and then:

GCP provides 300$ free budget for new users.

  • Create a project
  • Enable Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
  • Enable Google Container Registry (GCR).


Login to your GCP account through gcloud:

gcloud auth application-default login

Configure Docker to access private registry:

gcloud auth configure-docker

Create a cluster

Before you start, make sure you set variables according to your project in

terraform init
terraform apply

This may take a while. After your cluster is created,

gcloud container clusters get-credentials <CLUSTER_NAME>

This will set kubectl to access your cluster. To verify:

kubectl cluster-info

Allow Kubernetes to Pull Images from GCR

kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-access-token \ \
--docker-username=oauth3accesstoken \
--docker-password="$(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
[email protected]

Deploy Hello Service

make hello-push-image
kubectl apply -f definitions/hello

Deploy TODO Service

We start with deploying databases that we use, and then deploy TODO service.

Deploy PostgreSQL

  1. Create a persistent volume
kubectl apply -f definitions/postgre/pg-pv.yaml
  1. Create a persistenv volume claim
kubectl apply -f definitions/postgre/pg-pvc.yaml
  1. Create PostreSQL Deployment
kubectl apply -f definitions/postgre/pg-deployment.yaml
  1. Create PostgreSQL Service
kubectl apply -f definitions/postgre/pg-service.yaml
  1. Verify if it works properly:
kubectl get pods

If the status of the pod with name postgres is running, then it works properly.

  1. Use secrets for password protection
kubectl create secret generic pg-password \

Deploy Redis

  1. Create config map
kubectl apply -f definitions/redis/redis-configmap.yaml
  1. Create Redis Deployment
kubectl apply -f definitions/redis/redis-deployment.yaml
  1. Create Redis Service
kubectl apply -f definitions/redis/redis-service.yaml

Deploy TODO Service

  1. Build and push Docker image
make todo-push-image
kubectl apply -f definitions/todo