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Card Game

Multiplayer card game, just for fun.

Feature plan

For first game, we will implement sevens card game.


Game server

Game client

Todo list

  • add storybook
  • svg card icon
  • what font to use
  • UI Component
    • card component
    • deck component
    • table component
    • shuffle animation

Game Logic

  • game protocol

Inspiration link


We use Storybook as a tool for documenting our components.


just run:

npm install
npm run storybook

Storybook will run at http://localhost:9001

Add Story

We create a story for one component. So each component will have its own story.

  1. In the component folder, make a file with name: [component-name].story.js
  2. Import required Library
  3. Import the component
  4. Register the story
  5. Add stories!

Example for Button component

// Import Library
import Lib from '../../storybook_lib';
import React from 'react';

// Import Element(s)
import Button from './Button';

// Story Config
const story = Lib.storiesOf('Button', module);

// Default
story.add('Default', () => {
  const content = 'Tombol';
  const variant = 'c-btn--red';

  return (

Using Knobs

We can use knobs to to edit React props dynamically and see how it works.

Storybook provide several knobs we can use, such as text, number, boolean, array, select and others.

Documentation about knobs is available in knobs documentation.

Here, this is how we use knobs.

  1. Add config in our story file

// Story Config
const story = Lib.storiesOf('Button', module);

  1. Use the knob. Eg: const size ='button size', {large: 'btn-large', small: 'btn-small'}, 'large'); or const content = Lib.text('button title', 'Click me'); Another example:
// General options for knobs
const sizeOptions = {
  'c-btn--tiny': 'tiny',
  'c-btn--small': 'small',
  'c-btn': 'default',
  'c-btn--large': 'large',

// Size variant
story.add('Size variant', () => {
  const content = 'Tombol';
  const color = 'c-btn--red';
  const size ='size', sizeOptions, 'c-btn');

  const variantClass = `${color} ${size}`;

  return (