👋 Hi all, I'm Harim, AI R&D Engineer
- Computer Vision, Semi-SL, Multi-Modal, Generative Model
- A new application using an existing model or task
- DevOps/MLOps
- Various ideas (Multiple projects that benefit the common good)
AI R&D Engineer at (2021.6~2024.11)
- [Research] Semi-SL for multi-class classification
- [Research] Class-Incremental Learning for Detection & Instance Segmentation
- [Dev] Developer of Model-Preparation-Algorithm
- [Dev] Developer of OpenVINO Training Extension (OTX)
- Responsible for the Semi-SL Classification algorithm - Link
- OTX v1.0 CLI (Overall Design & Implementation)
- OTX v2.0 API/CLI Design
- OTX v2.0 development group leader
- [Dev] Contribution
SW Engineer (Contract workers dispatched to Intel) (2020.5~)
- [Dev] Microservices (API) Integration & E2E test validation of Intel Product: QA Validation
- [Dev] Contributor of Datumaro
- Implement a sampler that performs sampling to consider the balance of the class