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JavaPoet DSL

Lightweight Kotlin extension of JavaPoet, providing Kotlin DSL functionality and other convenient solutions.

  • Full of convenient methods to achieve minimum code writing possible.
  • Options to invoke DSL. For example, method("main") { ... } is as good as methods { "main" { ... } }. Scroll down for more information.
  • Smooth transition, existing JavaPoet native specs can still be configured with DSL.
buildJavaFile("com.example.helloworld") {
    classType("HelloWorld") {
        modifiers(PUBLIC, FINAL)
        methods {
            "main" {
                modifiers(PUBLIC, STATIC)
                returns = VOID
                parameter(STRING.array, "args")
                appendLine("%T.out.println(%S)", System::class, "Hello, JavaPoet!")


repositories {
dependencies {
    implementation "com.hendraanggrian:javapoet-dsl:$version"


Use % in string formatter

JavaPoet uses char prefix $ when formatting literals ($L), strings ($S), types ($T), an names ($N) within strings. However in Kotlin, $ in strings is reserved for variable referral. Avoid using \$ and instead use % as the prefix, this is also the approach taken by KotlinPoet.

buildMethodSpec("getName") {
    appendLine("%S", name)

buildCodeBlock {
    appendLine("int result = 0")
    beginFlow("for (int i = %L; i < %L; i++)", 0, 10)
    appendLine("result = result %L i", "+=")
    appendLine("return result")

Use T::class as parameters

KClass<*> can now be used as format arguments. There is also inline reified type function whenever possible.

buildMethodSpec("sortList") {
    returns = int
    parameter(classNamed("java.util", "List").parameterizedBy(hoverboard), "list")
    appendLine("%T.sort(list)", Collections::class)
    appendLine("return list")

buildFieldSpec("count", INT) {
    initializer("%L", 0)

Optional DSL

Some elements (field, method, parameter, etc.) are wrapped in container class. These containers have ability to add components with/without invoking DSL.

For example, 2 examples below will produce the same result.

types.addClass("Car") {
    methods {
        "getWheels" {
            returns = INT
            appendLine("return wheels")
        "setWheels" {
            parameter(INT, "wheels")
            appendLine("this.wheels = wheels")

types.addClass("Car") {
    method("getWheels") {
        returns = INT
        appendLine("return wheels")
    method("setWheels") {
        parameter(INT, "wheels")
        appendLine("this.wheels = wheels")

Property delegation

In spirit of Gradle Kotlin DSL, creating a spec can be done by delegating to a property.

val setWheels by methoding {
    val wheels by parametering(INT)
    appendLine("this.wheels = wheels")

Fluent TypeName API

Write TypeName and all its subtypes fluently.

val customClass: ClassName =
    classNamed("com.example", "MyClass")

val arrayOfString: ArrayTypeName =

val pairOfInteger: ParameterizedTypeName =
    classNamed("android.util", "Pair")
        .parameterizedBy(Integer::class, Integer::class)

val aGenerics: TypeVariableName =

val subtypeOfCharSequence: WildcardTypeName =