A curated list of awesome research papers, projects, code, dataset, workshops etc. related to virtual try-on (VTON).
- Image-based (2D) Virtual Try-on
- 3D Virtual Try-on
- Multi-Pose Guided Virtual Try-on
- Video Virtual Try-on
- Non-clothing Virtual Try-on
- Pose-Guided Human Synthesis
- Datasets for Virtual Try-on
- Related Conference Workshops
- Related Repositories
- Parser-Free Virtual Try-on via Distilling Appearance Flows - Paper, Code/Data/Model
- VITON-HD: High-Resolution Virtual Try-On via Misalignment-Aware Normalization - Paper
- Disentangled Cycle Consistency for Highly-realistic Virtual Try-On - Paper, Code/Data/Model
- CloTH-VTON: Clothing Three-dimensional reconstruction for Hybrid image-based Virtual Try-ON - Paper, Project
- Do Not Mask What You Do Not Need to Mask: a Parser Free Virtual Try-On - Paper
- Towards Photo-Realistic Virtual Try-On by Adaptively Generating↔Preserving Image Content - Paper/Code/Data
- Image Based Virtual Try-On Network From Unpaired Data - Paper
- Semantically Multi-modal Image Synthesis - Paper/Code/Model
- CP-VTON+: Clothing Shape and Texture Preserving Image-Based Virtual Try-On - Paper/Code/Data/Model
- 3D Reconstruction of Clothes using a Human Body Model and its Application to Image-based Virtual Try-On - Paper/Project
- VTNFP: An Image-Based Virtual Try-On Network With Body and Clothing Feature Preservation - Paper
- ClothFlow: A Flow-Based Model for Clothed Person Generation - Paper
- UVTON: UV Mapping to Consider the 3D Structure of a Human in Image-Based Virtual Try-On Network, Paper
- LA-VITON: A Network for Looking-Attractive Virtual Try-On - Paper
- Robust Cloth Warping via Multi-Scale Patch Adversarial Loss for Virtual Try-On Framework - Paper
- Powering Virtual Try-On via Auxiliary Human Segmentation Learning - Paper
- Generating High-Resolution Fashion Model Images Wearing Custom Outfits - Paper
- Toward Characteristic-Preserving Image-based Virtual Try-On Network - Paper, Code
- SwapNet: Garment Transfer in Single View Images - Paper, Code (unofficial)
- VITON: An Image-based Virtual Try-on Network - Paper, Code/Model
- Dressing in Order: Recurrent Person Image Generation for Pose Transfer, Virtual Try-on and Outfit Editing. Paper
- Cloth Interactive Transformer for Virtual Try-On. Paper Code/Model
- CloTH-VTON+: Clothing Three-dimensional reconstruction for Hybrid image-based Virtual Try-ON, IEEE Access 2021 - Paper, Project
- VITON-GT: An Image-based Virtual Try-On Model with Geometric Transformations, ICPR 2020 - Paper
- VOGUE: Try-On by StyleGAN Interpolation Optimization - Paper/Project
- Deep Virtual Try-on with Clothes Transform, ICS 2018 - Paper, Code
- NDNet: Natural Deformation Of Apparel For Better Virtual Try-On Experience, ACM SAC 2021
- Keypoints-Based 2D Virtual Try-on Network System, JAKO 2020 - Paper
- Virtual Try-On With Generative Adversarial Networks: A Taxonomical Survey - Book chapter
- LGVTON: A Landmark Guided Approach to Virtual Try-On - Paper
- SieveNet: A Unified Framework for Robust Image-Based Virtual Try-On, WACV 2020 - Paper, Code/Model (unofficial)
- GarmentGAN: Photo-realistic Adversarial Fashion Transfer - Paper
- Toward Accurate and Realistic Virtual Try-on Through Shape Matching and Multiple Warps - Paper
- FashionFit Analysis of Mapping 3D Pose and neural body fit for custom virtual try-on, IEEE Access 2020 - Paper
- Inpainting-Based Virtual Try-on Network for Selective Garment Transfer, IEEE Access 2019 - Paper
- SP-VITON: shape-preserving image-based virtual try-on network, Multimedia Tools and Applications 2019 - Paper
- VITON-GAN: Virtual Try-on Image Generator Trained with Adversarial Loss, Eurographics 2019 Posters - Paper, Code/Model
- Image-Based Virtual Try-on Network with Structural Coherence, ICIP 2019 - Paper
- End-to-End Learning of Geometric Deformations of Feature Maps for Virtual Try-On - Paper
- M2E-Try On Net: Fashion from Model to Everyone - Paper
- BCNet: Learning Body and Cloth Shape from A Single Image - Paper, Code/Data
- GAN-based Garment Generation Using Sewing Pattern Images - Paper/Code/Model/Data
- Deep Fashion3D: A Dataset and Benchmark for 3D Garment Reconstruction from Single Images - Paper/Data
- SIZER: A Dataset and Model for Parsing 3D Clothing and Learning Size Sensitive 3D Clothing - Paper/Code/Data
- CLOTH3D: Clothed 3D Humans - Paper
- Learning to Transfer Texture from Clothing Images to 3D Humans - Paper/Code
- TailorNet: Predicting Clothing in 3D as a Function of Human Pose, Shape and Garment Style - Paper/Code/Data
- Learning to Dress 3D People in Generative Clothing - Paper/Code/Data
- Multi-Garment Net: Learning to Dress 3D People from Images - Paper/Code/Data
- 3DPeople: Modeling the Geometry of Dressed Humans - Paper
- GarNet: A Two-Stream Network for Fast and Accurate 3D Cloth Draping - Paper/Data
- DeepWrinkles: Accurate and Realistic Clothing Modeling - Paper
- Video Based Reconstruction of 3D People Models - Paper/Code/Data
- Point-Based Modeling of Human Clothing - Paper
- CloTH-VTON+: Clothing Three-dimensional reconstruction for Hybrid image-based Virtual Try-ON, IEEE Access 2021 - Paper, Project
- Physically Based Neural Simulator for Garment Animation - Paper
- GarNet++: Improving Fast and Accurate Static3D Cloth Draping by Curvature Loss, IEEE T-PAMI, 2020 - Paper
- DeepCloth: Neural Garment Representation for Shape and Style Editing - Paper
- CloTH-VTON: Clothing Three-dimensional reconstruction for Hybrid image-based Virtual Try-ON, ACCV 2020 - Paper, Project
- Fully Convolutional Graph Neural Networks for Parametric Virtual Try-On, ACM SCA 2020 - Paper/Project
- DeePSD: Automatic Deep Skinning And Pose Space Deformation For 3D Garment Animation - Paper
- 3D Reconstruction of Clothes using a Human Body Model and its Application to Image-based Virtual Try-On, CVPRW 2020 - Paper/Project
- Learning-Based Animation of Clothing for Virtual Try-On, Eurographics 2019 - Paper/Project
- Learning an Intrinsic Garment Space for Interactive Authoring of Garment Animation, SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 - Paper/Code
- 3D Virtual Garment Modeling from RGB Images, ISMAR 2019 - Paper
- Deep Garment Image Matting for a Virtual Try-on System, ICCVW 2019 - Paper
- Learning a Shared Shape Space for Multimodal Garment Design, SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 - Paper/Code/Data
- Detailed Garment Recovery from a Single-View Image, ACM TOG 2018 - Paper
- ClothCap: Seamless 4D Clothing Capture and Retargeting, SIGGRAPH 2017 - Paper
- Virtual Try-On through Image-Based Rendering, IEEE T-VCG 2013 - Paper
- Markerless Garment Capture, ACM TOG 2008 - Paper/Data
- Down to the Last Detail: Virtual Try-on with Fine-grained Details, ACM MM 2020 - Paper, Code/Model, ArXiv
- Towards Multi-pose Guided Virtual Try-on Network, ICCV 2019 - Paper, Code
- Virtually Trying on New Clothing with Arbitrary Poses, ACM MM 2019 - Paper
- FashionOn: Semantic-guided Image-based Virtual Try-on with Detailed Human and Clothing Information, ACM MM 2019 - Paper
- ShineOn: Illuminating Design Choices for Practical Video-based Virtual Clothing Try-on, WACV 2021 Workshop - Project/Paper/Code
- FW-GAN: Flow-Navigated Warping GAN for Video Virtual Try-On, ICCV 2019 - Paper
- Unsupervised Image-to-Video Clothing Transfer, ICCVW 2019 - Paper
- Garment Replacement in Monocular Video Sequences, ACM TOG 2014 - Paper
- FITTINTM - Online 3D Shoe Try-on, 3DBODY.TECH 2020 - Paper
- CA-GAN: Weakly Supervised Color Aware GAN for Controllable Makeup Transfer - Paper
- Regularized Adversarial Training for Single-Shot Virtual Try-On, ICCVW 2019 - Paper
- Disentangled Makeup Transfer with Generative Adversarial Network - Paper
- PIVTONS: Pose Invariant Virtual Try-On Shoe with Conditional Image Completion, ACCV 2018 - Paper
- Virtual Try-on of Eyeglasses using 3D Model of the Head - Paper
- A virtual try-on system in augmented reality using RGB-D cameras for footwear personalization - Paper
- PoNA: Pose-Guided Non-Local Attention for Human Pose Transfer, IEEE T-IP 2020 - Paper
- Pose-Guided High-Resolution Appearance Transfer via Progressive Training - Paper
- Recapture as You Want - Paper
- Generating Person Images with Appearance-aware Pose Stylizer, IJCAI 2020 - Paper, Code
- Controllable Person Image Synthesis with Attribute-Decomposed GAN, CVPR 2020 - Paper, Code
- Deep Image Spatial Transformation for Person Image Generation, CVPR 2020 - Paper, Code
- Neural Pose Transfer by Spatially Adaptive Instance Normalization, CVPR 2020 - Paper, Code
- Guided Image-to-Image Translation with Bi-Directional Feature Transformation, ICCV 2019 - Paper, Code
- Liquid Warping GAN: A Unified Framework for Human Motion Imitation, Appearance Transfer and Novel View Synthesis, ICCV 2019 - Paper, Code
- ClothFlow: A Flow-Based Model for Clothed Person Generation, ICCV 2019 - Paper
- Progressive Pose Attention for Person Image Generation, CVPR 2019 - Paper, Code
- Dense Intrinsic Appearance Flow for Human Pose Transfer, CVPR 2019 - Paper, Code
- Unsupervised Person Image Generation with Semantic Parsing Transformation, CVPR 2019, TPAMI 2020 - Paper, Code
- Pose Guided Fashion Image Synthesis Using Deep Generative Model - Paper
- Synthesizing Images of Humans in Unseen Poses, CVPR 2018 - Paper, Code
- Soft-Gated Warping-GAN for Pose-Guided Person Image Synthesis, NeurIPS 2018 - Paper
- Deformable GANs for Pose-based Human Image Generation, CVPR 2018 - Paper
- Pose-Normalized Image Generation for Person Re-identification, ECCV 2018 - Paper
- Disentangled Person Image Generation, CVPR 2018 - Paper/Code/Data
- A Variational U-Net for Conditional Appearance and Shape Generation, CVPR 2018 - Paper, Code
- Human Appearance Transfer, CVPR 2018 - Paper
- Pose guided person image generation, NeurIPS 2017 - Paper, Code
- VITON - Download, Paper
- MPV - Download, Paper
- Deep Fashion3D - Paper
- Digital Wardrobe - Download/Paper/Project
- TailorNet Dataset - Download, Project
- CLOTH3D - Paper
- 3DPeople - Project
- THUman Dataset - Project
- Garment Dataset, Wang et al. 2018 - Project