Releases: hMRI-group/hMRI-toolbox
Releases · hMRI-group/hMRI-toolbox
- The local config files have been converted to scripts for compatibility with compiled version
- function-evaluate SPM-struct (preproc8.val) for SPM development version compatibility.
- copy acquisition metadata to TE=0 volumes in Results/Supplementary folder after map creation so they can be used as input to the toolbox if needed
Compiled with:
-Matlab version: (R2023a) Update 1
-OS version: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
- support for reading RepetitionTime from individual file metadata for AFI B1-mapping data (i.e. support for qMRI-BIDS formatted data)
- issue #5: fixed version check for compiled toolbox
- QUIQI check: dependence on stats toolbox
- issue #14 (Spatial processing: Inverse deformation field moved along with forward deformation field to requested folder)
- issue #59: both the qform and the sform of the first PD-weighted image are now propagated to the quantitative maps, rather than just the sform
Breaking changes
- AFI B1 mapping data must be entered in the opposite order to previously (for sequence programmers: the assumption is now made that the order of
strictly reflects the order of acquisition, rather than being sorted). A warning will be printed if the toolbox detects that the data might have been provided in the wrong order (see changes made in #41). Note that while this is a breaking change, it should make data sorting more logical.
- double angle mapping (DAM) B1 mapping option
- option to test ambiguous angle ranges beyond [0,90] and [90,180] degrees for SE/STE B1 mapping (nAmbiguousAngles b1 defaults parameter)
- various B1 input checking
- smoothing and masking options for all appropriate B1 mapping methods
- issue #42 (Non-matching filename length can cause AFI B1 calculation crash)
- issue #46 (Toolbox expects SE/STE input sorted by echo and flip angle whereas BIDS sorts by flip angle then echo)
- issue #26 (Possible bug in calculation of B1 maps with SE/STE EPI)
- SE/STE B1 mapping calculation can now no longer select both ambiguous angles for a given SE/STE pair
bugfix release v0.2.2
- fix problem with broken JSON serialisation
- open files read only where possible