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Releases: gyscos/cursive


06 Jul 19:21
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cursive-core 0.1.1

API updates

  • Add Dialog::into_content.
  • Add Callback::from_fn_once and once1! macro to wrap a FnOnce in a FnMut.
  • Add FixedLayoutView with manual placement of child views.
  • Add OnLayoutView to override View::Layout
  • Add Cursive::{dump, restore} to save and load the global state.
  • Add NamedView::{name, set_name} to retrieve or replace the given name.
  • Add LinearLayout::find_child_with_name.
  • Add ScrollView::on_scroll callback.
  • Add once1! macro to turn a FnOnce into FnMut.
  • Implement Default for some wrapper views where the child is Default.


  • More hygienic wrap_impl! macro using fully-qualified paths.
  • Fixed LinearLayout giving children incorrect sizes.
  • More accurate "important area" for ShadowView and PaddedView.
  • Fix potential panic when calling TextArea::set_cursor before its first layout phase.
  • Disabled views no longer accept input if they are still in focus.


30 Jun 23:39
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Breaking changes

  • Split library into a backend-agnostic cursive-core and a user-facing cursive.
  • Cursive::default now needs the cursive::CursiveExt trait to be in scope.
  • Update dependencies:
    • crossterm to 0.17.
    • enumset to 1.0
    • ahash to 0.3
    • pulldown-cmark to 0.7
  • Add PaletteColor::HighlightText
  • AnyCb now takes a &mut dyn View rather than a &mut dyn Any.

API updates

  • Added cursive::{default,ncurses,pancurses,termion,crossterm,blt,dummy} functions.
  • Add Cursive::debug_name
  • Add ScreensView to move some code away from the Cursive root
    • Reworked global callbacks configuration
    • Ctrl-C can be rewired to no longer exit the application
  • Add SelectView::(try_)iter_mut()
  • Dialog::{test, info} now accept StyledString as input
  • Add missing functions to Checkbox re: enabled state


  • Fix Ctrl-Z binding for ncurses
  • Fix potential crash with empty SelectView
  • Add toml and markdown features to


14 Jan 18:00
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Breaking changes

  • cursive::event::AnyCb changed from Box<...> to &mut ..., so users of View::call_on_any no longer need to box their closures.
  • Remove BoxView::squishable.
  • Update crossterm to 0.14.
  • Removed From implementations for Margins. Use Margins::lrtb and the like instead.
    • Or Dialog::padding_lrtb.
  • Renamed multiple types (old names are still re-exported, but deprecated):
    • BoxView -> ResizedView
    • ViewBox -> BoxedView
    • SizedView -> LastSizeView
    • Identifiable -> Nameable
    • Boxable -> Resizable
    • IdView -> NamedView
    • Selector::Id -> Selector::Name
    • with_id -> with_name
    • call_on_id -> call_on_name
    • find_id -> find_name
    • focus_id -> focus_name

API updates

  • SelectView::{item, with_all} now accept S: Into<StyledString> for colored labels.
  • Add ScrollView::scroll_to_important_area.
  • Add LinearLayout::set_focus_index.
  • Add XY::{sum, product}.
  • view::scroll is now a public module.
  • Add Cursive::process_events and Cursive::post_events.
    • This gives users finer control than Cursive::step.
  • Layer now has a color option.
  • LinearLayout can now directly add boxed views without re-boxing.
  • Add inner getters to EnableableView.
  • Add PaddedView::get_inner(_mut).
  • Add a bunch of constructors for Margins.
  • Add Dialog::padding_lrtb
  • Add Dialog::set_padding*
  • Add PaddedView::lrtb


  • Changed the default color for TitleSecondary from yellow to light blue.
  • Changed the default color for Tertiary from grey to white.
  • Reduced dependencies (toml is now optional, removed hashbrown).
  • Cursive::default() now fallbacks do dummy backend if no other is available.


  • Fixed ScrollView::show_scrollbars().
  • Correctly update the offset for ScrollView after focus change.
  • Fixed layout for BoxView with some size constraints.
  • On Windows, do not print unix-specific character during initialization.
  • Fix out-of-bounds access for some mouse events in MenuPopup


14 Jan 17:59
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Breaking changes

  • Update enum-map fron 0.5 to 0.6

API updates

  • Add Effect::Strikethrough (not supported on ncurses)
  • Add ListView::remove_child
  • Replace xursive::CbFunc with Box<FnOnce>
  • Add ScrollView::{inner_size, is_as_{bottom, top, left, right} }
  • Add getters for current value in SliderView
  • More fields made public in cursive::logger
  • Add a "puppet" backend for testing and instrumentation


  • Performance improvements for the crossterm backend


  • Fix a possible panic when a TextView is updated asynchronously while it's being layed out.
  • Fixed weird behaviour of SizeConstraint::Full with ScrollView.


09 May 16:43
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Breaking changes

  • Updated enumset from 0.3 to 0.4

API updates

  • Add Cursive::take_user_data, replaces the current user data with ().


  • DebugConsole now has horizontal scrolling enabled.
  • pancurses backend now correctly recognizes the "Enter" key from the numpad as "Enter".


18 Apr 20:50
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API updates

  • Add a new backend based on the crossterm library.
  • Bring back Cursive::set_fps for <30Hz refresh rates.
  • Add Cursive::backend_name to get the name of the current backend.
  • Add direct downcast methods to dyn AnyView
  • Add sort methods to SelectView


  • Improved printer performance with styled spans.


16 Mar 23:29
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API updates

  • Added manual scrolling methods to view::scroll::Core:
    • keep_in_view, scroll_to, scroll_to_x, scroll_to_y
      Note: the view::scroll module is hidden behind an experimental
      feature unstable_scroll.


  • Improved printer performance (thanks to @chrisvest).


  • Fixed MenuPopup borders near delimiters.


16 Mar 23:28
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Breaking changes

  • Cursive::{ncurses, pancurses, termion} now return
    io::Result<Self> instead of panicking. Cursive::default() still unwraps.
    • Also added Cursive::try_new for failible backends.
  • Replaced set_fps(i32) with set_autorefresh(bool)
  • Finder::find_id() is renamed to call_on_id(), and a proper
    find_id() was added instead.
  • Updated the Backend trait for a simpler input system
  • Updated to Rust 2018 edition (now requires rustc > 1.31)
  • Cursive::clear() now takes &mut self

API updates

  • Add a logging implementation (logger::init()) and a DebugConsole
  • Add user-data to Cursive.
    • Cursive::set_user_data() can store some user-defined data structure.
    • Cursive::user_data() and Cursive::with_user_data() can be used to
      access the data.
  • Add StackView::remove_layer()
  • Add CircularFocus view (and bring proper circular focus to dialogs)
  • Add HideableView::is_visible()
  • Add type CbSink = Sender<Box<CbFunc>> as an alias for the return type of
  • Add LinearLayout::{insert_child, swap_children, set_weight} for more
    in-place modifications.
  • Add Printer::{cropped_centered,shrinked_centered}


  • Updated termion backend to use direct /dev/tty access for improved performance.
  • Enabled raw mode for ncurses and pancurses. Among other improvements, this
    lets applications receive Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q events.


  • Fixed overflow check for titles in Dialog and Panel


01 Dec 01:03
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  • Add EventTrigger and update OnEventView to use it
    • Breaking change: "inner" callbacks for OnEventView now take the event as extra argument.
  • Add Printer::enabled and EnableableView to disable whole subtrees
  • Add PaddedView to add padding around any view
  • Add RadioGroup::on_change to set a callback on selection change
  • Use styled strings in SelectView
    • Breaking change: SelectView::get_item_mut now returns a Option<(&mut StyledString, &mut T)>
  • Fix mouse events on Ubuntu
  • Add doc tests/examples to XY and Vec2


05 Nov 19:40
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  • Add immut! family of macros to wrap a FnMut in a Fn
  • SelectView: autojump (jump to an item when a letter is pressed) is now opt-in
  • Panel can now have a title
  • Fixed layout bug with SelectView and ListView.