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A modified shinydashboard to incorporate more functionality from adminLTE


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A modified shinydashboard to incorporate more functionality from adminLTE:

  • A modified dashboardPage.R, a modified dashboardBody.R and deps.R to allow showing menu icons when sidebar collapse.

    • Add AdminLTE/bootstrap, AdminLTE/dist and AdminLTE/plugin to inst/AdminLTE/bootstrap, inst/AdminLTE/dist and inst/AdminLTE/plugin.

    • Enhance tags$body(class = paste0("skin-", skin), ...) to tags$body(class = paste0("hold-transition skin-", skin, " sidebar-mini"), ...) in dashboardPage.R.

    • Add JS in htmlDependency("AdminLTE", "2.0.6", ..., scripts = c(adminLTE_js, ...)) in addDeps in deps.R

    • Add JS at the end of tags$body(...) in dashboardPage.R - manual refer to JS with name, version and src derived from addDeps() in deps.R, not perfect (TODO - replace ygdashboard- by system.file("AdminLTE", package = "ygdashboard")).

    • These together allow showing menu icons when sidebar collapse.

  • A modified infoBox: allow filled infoBox (Type2 infoBox) to have progress report.

  • A modified dashboardPage.R, a modified dashboardHeader.R and a new dashboardControlbar.R: show control panel on top right of header panel.

    • Add component controlbar in argument list and in content <- div(class = "wrapper", header, sidebar, body, controlbar) in dashboardPage.R

    • Add HTML('<li><a href="#" data-toggle="control-sidebar"><i class="fa fa-gears"></i></a></li>') in tags$header(class = "main-header", ..., div(class = "navbar-custom-menu", tags$ul(class = "nav navbar-nav", items, ...))) in dashboardHeader.R to show controlbar button toggle on/off controlbar.

    • Add dashboardControlbar.R to implement control-sidebar.

  • A modified dashboardPage.R, a modified dashboardHeader.R and a new dashboardUser.R: show user account info panel on top right of header panel.

    • Add component user in argument list and in tags$header(class = "main-header", ..., div(class = "navbar-custom-menu", tags$ul(class = "nav navbar-nav", items, ...))) in dashboardHeader.R to show user account inf panel on top right of header panel.

    • Add dashboardUser.R to implement user account infomation.

    • Add htmlDependency("ygdashboard", ...) in addDeps() in deps.R pointing to inst/ygdashboard - so default user profile figure in inst/ygdashboard can be used when shiny rendering html.

  • A modified shinydashboard.js, a new moduleOutput.R and a modified tagAssert() in utils.R to allow dynamically generating ygdashboard modules such as dashboardUser(), dashboardFooter().

    • Add var moduleOutputBinding =new Shiny.OutputBinding(); ... to replace and find class=ygdashboard-module-output in shinydashboard.js. This is a mimic of var menuOutputBinding = new Shiny.OutputBinding(); ... and allows run time dynamically generate modules on server side to be binded into client side module place holders. The class="ygdashboard-module-output" is used in shinydashboard.js as an id for replacing the origin DOM element with the new DOM elements copying over the ID and class.

    • Add class ygdashboard-module-output as skipped elements in tagAssert() in utils.R:

    if (allowUI &&
        (hasCssClass(tag, "shiny-html-output") ||
         hasCssClass(tag, "shinydashboard-menu-output") ||
         hasCssClass(tag, "ygdashboard-module-output"))) {
    • Add moduleOutput() in moduleOutput.R as a method of creating a dynamic module output place holder on client side, use in context with shiny::renderUI({}). This is a mimic of menuOutput(). And similar as in menuOutput, it is recommended to use the wrapper function such as userOutput() and footerOutput(), instead of calling moduleOutput() directly.
  • A modified dashboardUser.R and a modified shinydashboard.js: create user dynamically from server side and render user reponsively on client side by taking input from URL - should be login from database when deployed.

    • Add a modified dashboardUser() in dashboardUser.R to create userInfo as shiny html context - tagList.

    • Add userOutput() in dashboardUser.R as client-side place holder, use in context with server-side dynamically generated renderUser({ dashboardUser() }).

  • A modified sidebarUserPanel() in dashboardSidebar.R to add user account info panel on sidebar with Online, Away, and Offline stauts:

    • Add argument status in sidebarUserPanel().

    • Add sidebarUserPanelOutput() in menuOutput.R as client-side place holder, use in context with server-side dynamically generated renderMenu({ sidebarUserPanel() }).

    • Add style="background-color:transparent;" in div(class = "user-panel", ..., div(class = "pull-left info", ...)) in sidebarUserPanel() - in case otherwise when work with leaflet package, background is overwritten by leafletfix.css:8.

  • A modified dashboardSidebar.R:

    • Add menuSegment() in context of sidebarMenu() in dashboardSidebar.R by <li class="header">MAIN NAVIGATION</li>.

    • Add menuSegmentOutput() in menuOutput.R as client-side place holder, use in context with server-side dynamically generated renderMenu({ menuSegment() }).

  • A modified dashboardPage.R and a new dashboardFooter.R: add footer in body content-wrapper.

    • Add a new dashboardFooter() to create dashboardFooter in dashboardFooter.R.

    • Add a new footerOutput() in dashboardFooter.R as client-side place holder, use in context with server-side dynamically generated renderFooter({ dashboardFooter() }).

    • Add an argument footer in dashboardPage() in dashboardPage.R.

  • Add chatBox() in boxes.R: show chats and potential use for commnunicating with clients.

    • Add chatBox() together with components chatMessage(), chatContactList() and chatContact() in boxes.R

    • Add chatMessageOutput() and renderChatMessage() for generating chatMessage dynamically on server-side and rendering on client-side.

  • Add calendarBox() in boxes.R: show calendar and task progress.

    • TODO: check the reason calendar won't show in shiny?
  • Add timelineBox(), timelineLabel() and timelineItem() in boxes.R: show timeline of development and etc.

    • TODO: Add timelineOutput() and renderTimeline() for generating timelineBox dynamically on server-side and rendering on client-side?


  • dashboardControlbar.R: create functions that can create sub-components in control-sidebar, like functions defined in dashboardSidebar.R

  • create more valid status in box() - so more header color such as oragne, dark-blue, purple - or, add an argument color that takes valid color as input and overwrite status.


A modified shinydashboard to incorporate more functionality from adminLTE








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Contributors 4
