Make sure to change the connection settings in api/models/db.js
to your needs
npm install
npm run start
1. Creating messages:
POST http://localhost:4000/messages
With body:
"to": 1234567899,
"from": 9876543211,
"body": "Test Message"
2. Retrieving messages:
GET http://localhost:4000/messages?to=1234567899&from=9876543211&maxMessages=5
A lot of improvements are needed to make this production ready:
- Phone number validation, transformation and sanitization. API should be able to handle and standardize multiple phone number formats
- Standardized response handling
- Standardized error handling
- Revisit DB column names of
. I'd probably want to standardize to Twilio's schema - DB is exposed to SQL injection. DROP Tables injection is possible.
- API rate handling