A client to interact with gxchain implemented in Java
java 8
add to pom.xml
add a repository to pom.xml
//init GXChainClient
public GXChainClient(String activePrivateKey, String accountIdOrName, String entryPoint, String memoPrivateKey);
//generate key pair locally
public static KeyPair generateKey(String brainKey) throws IOException;
//export public key from private key
public static String privateToPublic(String privateKey);
//check if public key is valid
public static boolean isValidPublic(String publicKey);
//check if private key is valid
public static boolean isValidPrivate(String privateKey);
//query from gxchain
public JsonElement query(String method, JsonArray params)
//get current blockchain id
public String getChainID();
//get dynamic global properties
public DynamicGlobalProperties getDynamicGlobalProperties();
//get block object
public JsonElement getObject(String objectId);
//get block objects
public JsonElement getObjects(List<String> objectIds);
// get block by block height
public Block getBlock(long blockHeight);
//send transfer request to entryPoint node
public TransactionResult transfer(String toAccountName, String memo, String assetAmount, String feeAsset, boolean isBroadcast);
//vote for accounts
public TransactionResult vote(List<String> accountNames, String feePayingAsset, boolean isBroadcast);
//broadcast transaction
public JsonElement broadcast(Transaction transaction);
//register gxchain account
public String register(String accountName, String activePrivateKey, String ownerKey, String memoKey, String faucet);
// get account info by account name
public AccountProperties getAccount(String accountName);
//get account_ids by public key
public List<String> getAccountByPublicKey(String publicKey);
//get account balances by account name
public List<AssetAmount> getAccountBalances(String accountName);
//get asset info by symbol
public Asset getAsset(String symbol);
//get assets info by symbols
public List<Asset> getAssets(List<String> symbol)
//get contract abi by contract_name
public Abi getContractABI(String contractName);
//get contract table by contract_name
public List<Table> getContractTable(String contractName);
// call smart contract method
public TransactionResult callContract(String contractName, String methodName, JsonElement param, String assetAmount, boolean isBroadcast);
//get contract table rows
public JsonElement getTableRows(String contractName, String tableName, Number lowerBound, Number upperBound);
//get contract table rows by extra params
public JsonElement getTableRowsEx(String contractName, String tableName, GetTableRowsParams getTableRowsParams)
KeyPair keyPair = GxchainClient.generateKey();
"brainKey": "plass niche banian hurter spadone ligular fancify hayseed theres proxysm slub chess talisay orillon steam curtail",
"privateKey": "5JTHkfd8gH6ebsSjRRJbVhEa7u5vh2YZTJH3qC2osjUM9XxKvKR",
"publicKey": "GXC5bgYX7xNDt1YG7DjD178nK6x9phHAHjZJA7Ug3dkeefLsATiCQ"
GXChainClient client = new GXChainClient();
KeyPair keyPair = GXChainClient.generateKey();
String result = client.register("lirb-test001", keyPair.getPublicKey()));
String privateKey = "5K8iH1jMJxn8TKXXgHJHjkf8zGXsbVPvrCLvU2GekDh2nk4ZPSF";
String accountId = "1.2.323";
// set broadcast to false so we could calculate the fee before broadcasting
boolean broadcast = true;
GXChainClient client = new GxchainClient(privateKey, accountId,"wss://testnet.gxchain.org");
//Sending 1 GXC to gxb456 with memo "GXChain NB"
TransactionResult transactionResult = client.transfer("gxb456", "GXChain NB","1 GXC","GXC", broadcast);
log.info("txid:{},fee:{}",transactionResult.getTransaction().calculateTxid(),((TransferOperation)transaction.getOperations().get(0)).getFee().getAmount().longValue()/ Math.pow(10, assetPrecicion));
// > txid:2f9532ebc9ba12c285a0240f7fcc2ec24d4aa6d2,fee:0.0118
// Since gxchain implemented dpos consensus, the transaction will be confirmed until the block becomes irreversible
// You can find the logic when a transfer operation was confirmed in the example of detectTransaction
"ref_block_num": 18620,
"ref_block_prefix": 2030968667,
"expiration": "2018-07-10T08:24:57",
"operations": [
"fee": {
"amount": 1180,
"asset_id": "1.3.1"
"from": "1.2.323",
"to": "1.2.21",
"amount": {
"amount": 1000,
"asset_id": "1.3.1"
"memo": {
"from": "GXC4ywUcU8h6zPqESvAMkGREmmg9r54etHTpEtBHp8Rg2WYAcmFnD",
"to": "GXC67KQNpkkLUzBgDUkWqEBtojwqPgL78QCmTRRZSLugzKEzW4rSm",
"nonce": "5056877481733866496",
"message": "47faa383d54a16a94c7c7f46d084e1c6"
"extensions": []
"extensions": [],
"signatures": [
"operation_results": [
"current_block_number": 8997053
String privateKey = "5K8iH1jMJxn8TKXXgHJHjkf8zGXsbVPvrCLvU2GekDh2nk4ZPSF";
String accountId = "1.2.521";
GXChainClient client = new GXChainClient(privateKey, accountId,"wss://testnet.gxchain.org");
TransactionResult transactionResult = client.vote(Arrays.asList("zhuliting", "bob"), "GXC", true);
"ref_block_num": 43594,
"ref_block_prefix": 778560704,
"expiration": "2019-02-18T03:10:36",
"operations": [
"fee": {
"amount": 106,
"asset_id": "1.3.1"
"account": "1.2.521",
"new_options": {
"memo_key": "GXC6rAtkQUGJoxRR3gCEnYo2PxqtVNwD4zw9zg64qgrEpYqmjf2kh",
"num_committee": 2,
"num_witness": 2,
"voting_account": "1.2.5",
"votes": [
"extensions": []
"extensions": []
"signatures": [
"extensions": []
String privateKey = "5K8iH1jMJxn8TKXXgHJHjkf8zGXsbVPvrCLvU2GekDh2nk4ZPSF";
String accountId = "1.2.521";
GXChainClient client = new GXChainClient(privateKey, accountId,"wss://testnet.gxchain.org");
//init contract param
JsonObject param = new JsonObject();
param.addProperty("user", "robin");
//call contract method
TransactionResult transactionResult = client.callContract("hello22", "hi", param, null, true);
"ref_block_num": 57488,
"ref_block_prefix": 2895890777,
"expiration": "2019-02-16T07:29:23",
"operations": [
"fee": {
"amount": 100,
"asset_id": "1.3.1"
"account": "1.2.521",
"contract_id": "1.2.2072",
"method_name": "hi",
"data": "05726f62696e",
"extensions": []
"extensions": [],
"signatures": [
"operation_results": [
"billed_cpu_time_us": 107,
"fee": {
"amount": 100,
"asset_id": "1.3.1"
"ram_receipts": []
- It's very welcome for developers to translate this project into different programing languages
- We are looking forward to your pull requests