Channelcat is a cat clone that uses channels to print its input to standard output. It's a silly thing that's teaching me how to use goroutines and channels.
go get
go install
channelcat <file1> ... <fileN>
<a Unix utility> | channelcat
Channelcat fails in an interesting way when it can't open one of the input files we pass it; it prints a few lines of the files before that one, then exits with an error before finishing to print all the files.
This is a consequence of the naive concurrent way that channelcat is built: It's internal pipeline is in three pieces:
Scanners -> Input lines -> Output
That is, channelcat uses a goroutine to it first loops through its input files, make a Scanner for each one and feed that scanner into a channel. Another goroutine then receives from the scanner channel, loops through the input lines of each scanner, and sends them to an output channel. Finally, one last goroutine then loops over that channel and prints whatever it finds there.
Thus, when one of the input files can't be opened, the error signaling this gets processed while the previous file is still being printed and it gets cut short by the fatal error message we emit.