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EditTexts with edit/write mode switching, marquee effect and TextInputLayout support (for floating labels) all in one go

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EditTexts with floating labels and marquee ellipsize.

marqueeto GIF

Download via Gradle

Just add the following line to the dependencies section of your build.gradle:

compile 'com.github.guilhermesgb:marqueeto:1.1.14'


This widget is an enhanced EditText (already with TextInputLayout support) which provides two modes:

  • read mode: displays a nice marquee effect if the text is longer than what can fit within the widget's bounds

![marqueeto read mode]( mode.png) ![marqueeto read mode]( mode with marquee.png) * read mode with a marquee effect, when necessary

  • write mode: just like the normal EditText with TextInputLayout support (a.k.a. with a floating label)

![marqueeto transition]( from read to write mode.png) ![marqueeto write mode]( mode.png) * widget transitioning into write mode

Visually, you can tell the current mode the widget is at by the presence or absence of the bottom bar, and also from the size of the accompanying icon, which is a bit larger while in write mode.


  • LabelledMarqueeEditText works consistently from API 14 onwards (14, 16, 17 and 22 have been tested);
  • Has the same Material look 'n feel throughout all supported API levels (even the selector drawables!);
  • Even though support for the official Material icons is default, thanks to the awesome Iconify library, pretty much any icon can be supported, even your own! If this interests you, refer to their project to find out how;
  • Your project won't have to have the Support Libraries (AppCompat, Design, etc.) as a dependency for this widget to work (so you can use this "enhanced TextInputLayout + EditText combination in places where they wouldn't work without these dependencies, e.g. a project without these support libs and simply good and old activities extending Activity).

How to use in your projects

To use LabelledMarqueeEditText in your layouts, all you need to do is declare usage of this widget:


LabelledMarqueeEditText's recommended width is either match_parent or a fixed value. If it is set to wrap_content, then the actual width of the widget will vary depending on the underlying text - that probably won't be a pleasant experience for the end user, so you might want to avoid it.

You can use the following attributes:

  • android:text via XML or setText() programatically,
  • android:hint via XML or setHint() programatically,
  • marqueeto:error via XML or setError() programatically,
  • marqueeto:errorEnabled via XML or setErrorEnabled() programatically,
  • android:inputType via XML or setInputType() programatically,

just as you would normally; Additionally you can use:

  • marqueeto:iconKey via XML or setIconKey() programatically to set the Iconify Material icon key to be used in the widget, e.g. md-account-balance;
  • marqueeto:iconGravity (new!) via XML only to set the icon gravity - either left or right is allowed;
  • marqueeto:mode via XML or setMode() programatically to set the preferred mode (a.k.a the initial state of the widget upon creation), e.g. edit or marquee. Important: if the widget has no text, it will always be in edit mode no matter what - even if marqueeto:mode="marquee".


LabelledMarqueeEditText can be highly customized! Below are all the attributes that can be changed either via XML or programatically:

  • android:textColor via XML or setTextColor() programatically to set the text color in the widget;

  • marqueeto:labelledMarqueeEditTextStyle via XML or setCustomStyle() programatically to change other more interesting appearance aspects of the widget, such as the icon, label and highlighted colors. A custom style defining the following attributes must be provided:

    • <item name="baseColor"/> to set the base color to be applied to the widget's overall appearance. If undefined, it will be equal to the Android default theme's colorPrimary;
    • <item name="highlightColor"/> to set the color to be applied to the widget while it is highlighted. If undefined, it will be equal to the Android default theme's colorAccent;
    • <item name="iconColor"/> to set the icon's color while the widget is not highlighted. If undefined, it will be equal to baseColor. Once the widget is highlighted, the icon's color will always be equal to highlightColor;
    • <item name="errorColor"/> to set the error color in the widget. If undefined, it will be equal to highlightColor.


Declaring a LabelledMarqueeEditText for inputting phone numbers (using the Iconify Material icon md-local-phone):

        android:hint="Phone Number"

Note that it is using a custom style referenced through @style/MyCustomStyle for customizing the widget, so below is an example of such style:

    <style name="MyCustomStyle">
        <item name="baseColor">@android:color/holo_red_light</item>
        <item name="highlightColor">@android:color/holo_red_dark</item>

Special Thanks


Copyright 2015 Guilherme Baptista

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

It uses The Android Open Source Project's Support Libraries by Google,
and Iconify by Joan Zapata, both licensed under Apache 2.0 as well,
and RippleView by Robin Chutaux, licensed under MIT,
which is compatible with this library's license.


EditTexts with edit/write mode switching, marquee effect and TextInputLayout support (for floating labels) all in one go






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