A command line utility for rendering BPMN-Diagrams.
Install with NPM:
npm install -g bpmn-js-cmd
Usage: bpmn-js [options] <file>
file a BPMN-XML process definition file
-t, --type file type of the new diagram [choices: "svg", "png", "jpeg", "pdf"] [default: "svg"]
-o, --output output path for the rendered diagram. [default: <input>.<type>]
-w, --width width of the diagram (does not apply to svg) [number] [default: 1024]
-h, --height height of the diagram (does not apply to svg) [number] [default: 768]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
This project uses BPMN-js for rendering.
If you render the diagram in any other format than SVG you will notice the green BPMN.io logo. It is inserted by BPMN-js and is not related to BPMN-JS.cli.