Kotlin-JsonParser is a Kotlin library for JSON parsing. It can parse JSON string to Kotlin Object or reverse in a simple way.
One line parsing
- you can parse json to object or object to json in one line code
Annotation Configuration
- Support annotation for enabling/disabling features (e.g. serialization), see also here
flexible custom class serialize and deserialize
- Support TypeAdapter for custom deserialize and serialize process, see also here
Retrofit Ready
- ConverterFactory of Retrofit already implemented in JsonConverterFactory, see also here
To use Kotlin-JsonParser in gradle implemented project,
dependencies {
implementation 'com.tomatobean:jsonparser:1.0.10'
For parsing JSON String to Kotlin Object, it can be done by one line comment.
val kotlinObject = jsonString.parseJson(KotlinObject::class)
P.S. For Json parsing, all immutable params must be in the Primary Constructor of Kotlin Object
data class KotlinObject(
val paramOne: String,
val paramTwo, Int,
And it is also easy for parsing kotlin Object to JSON String.
val jsonString = kotlinObject.toJson()
Using Annotation for config Json parsing process
data class ClassA(@JsonFormat(JsonName = "jsonNameString")
val stringA: String,
@JsonFormat(JsonName = "nonDeserializableString", Deserializable = false)
val stringB: String = "stringB",
@JsonFormat(JsonName = "nonDeserializableString", Serializable = false)
val stringC: String = "stringC")
JsonFormat class have the following params can config
- the json paring name tag for serialize and deserialize, variable name will be use when it is not set
- the variable will not parse to json when it set to false (default is true)
- the variable will not parse from json when it set to false (default is true)
For custom deserialize process, DeserializeAdapter and SerializeAdapter interface can implement for custom process
DeserializeAdapter usage demonstration can be found in /app module
val abstractObjectDeserializer: DeserializeAdapter<AbstractObject> = object: DeserializeAdapter<AbstractObject> {
override fun read(json: String, config: JsonParserConfig): AbstractObject? {
val jsonObj = JSONObject(json)
if (jsonObj.has("tag") && jsonObj.getString("tag").isNotEmpty()) {
val classType = jsonObj.getString("tag")
return switchJson(classType, json)
return null
private fun switchJson(classType: String, jsonString: String): AbstractObject? =
when (classType) {
"classA" -> {
"classB" -> {
"classC" -> {
else -> null
and create JsonFormatter instance by the following way
val jsonFormatter = JsonFormatter(deserializeAdapterMap = hashMapOf(
AbstractObject::class to abstractObjectDeserializer
For more usage example, you can reference to /app module
KotlinJsonParser also support List, Map class for parsering
val kotlinObjectList = json.parserJson(object: TypeToke<List<KotlinObject>>(){})
val json = kotlinObjectList.toJson()
For Generic Abstract class for parsering
abstract class GenericDataSource<DATA>: TypeToken<DATA> {
fun parserJson(json: String) {
KotlinJsonParser already support Retrofit By adding JsonConverterFactory into retrofit service, it can convert the network response to corresponding kotlin object
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details