This project will aid the user in achieving an active lifestyle.The user starts by entering their age, weight and height and the software will then present the user with their BMI.The user can search for workouts based off of muscle groups and the software will present the user with possible exercises that they can do. The user will log their workout information daily.The user can also search and download previous workouts data.
This website was designed to be demonstrated as an MVP. (Minimal Viable Product.) In the future, with more knoweldege and experience, different functionality can be added.
You can clone the project from GitHub by copying either HTTPS or SSH link.Then go to command prompt in the root directory of the project and type npm start and hit enter and go to web browser and type localhost:3001 to run the application locally.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- Handlebars.js
- ExerciseDB API
- DataTables library
- Sequelize
- dotenv package
- bcrypt package
- express-session
- connect-session-sequelize
Made with ❤️ by Team6
- Abdul Qadir
- George Saad
- Joe Chaaya
- Kosta Karolidis
- Palak Devgan
- Yomi Odusi