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5.0.0 Release Notes

Eric Milles edited this page Jun 30, 2023 · 1 revision

Greclipse 5.0.0 was released on June 30th 2023.

New and Noteworthy

Support for new versions of Groovy

  • Groovy 5.0.0 (pre-alpha)

  • Groovy 4.0.13

  • Groovy 3.0.18

    📋 Support for Groovy 2.5 has been dropped. Groovy 3.0 is now included by default.

    📋 The new antlr4-based Parrot Parser is disabled by default. To enable it, add -Dgroovy.antlr4=true to your eclipse.ini file after the -vmargs line or add a compiler config script to your project with configuration.pluginFactory = org.codehaus.groovy.control.ParserPluginFactory.antlr4(). Please note that parser recovery is not implemented for the Parrot Parser, so your editing experience may be sub-par in this mode.

Support for new version of Eclipse

  • Eclipse 4.28 (2023-06)

    📋 Support for Eclipse 4.9 through 4.18 has been dropped.

Support for Java 20

As of Eclipse 4.28, Java 20 is supported. It can be combined with Groovy 4 or 5.

Compiler Fixes

Debug Support

Groovy source can now be used for watch expressions, conditional breakpoints, detail formatter snippets, logical structure snippets and in the Debug Shell.

📋 Groovy debug support can be disabled by setting system property eclipse.groovy.debug to false.

Syntax Highlighting and Type Inferencing

  • enum MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE constants

  • named-argument constructor invocation

  • static field and method references via class expression



  • callable property invocation



  • repeat lambda parameter types



  • type-checked reference to trait method



  • static import for mix of deprecated and non-deprecated method overloads



  • spread arguments and static method missing



  • list spread over closure parameters



  • multiple assignment of non-constant values



  • recursive type vars



Resolved Issues

  • 568: Add support for Groovy in breakpoint conditions
  • 569: Add support for Groovy in Expressions view
  • 1370: Add support for Groovy 5.0.0
  • 1469: Add support for Eclipse 4.28 (2023-06)
  • 1470: Add support for Java 20
  • 1472: Fix type inferencing, syntax highlighting and code navigation for callable property invocation
  • 1473: Fix type inferencing and code navigation for named-argument constructor invocation
  • 1475: Fix syntax highlighting and code navigation for repeat lambda parameter types
  • 1476: Fix code navigation for type-checked reference to trait method
  • 1477: Add support for Groovy 4.0.12
  • 1478: Fix syntax highlighting of static import for mix of deprecated and non-deprecated method overloads
  • 1483: Fix type inferencing and syntax highlighting for spread arguments and static method missing
  • 1484: Fix type inferencing for list spread over closure parameters
  • 1485: Fix type inferencing for multiple assignment of non-constant values
  • 1486: Fix syntax highlighting and code navigation for recursive type vars
  • 1487: Add support for enum MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE constants
  • 1488: Add support for Groovy 3.0.18
  • 1489: Add support for Groovy 4.0.13

Update Sites

Use one of the following update sites depending on your version of Eclipse:

Archives of these update sites are also available: