This project shows that Rubymine 2019.3 + vagrant + JRuby 9.2.9 + Java 13.0.1 doesn't work. To demonstrate this, follow the instructions below. We first create a vagrant box with java 13.0.1, jruby 9.2.9 and ruby 2.5.7 installed. We then configure Rubymine 2019.3 to use either installed Ruby as a remote interpreter: ruby 2.5.3 works fine, but jruby 9.2.9 does not.
Observed error messages when setting jruby as a remote interpreter:
- Rubymine shows error modal: "Unable to read RBConfig from specified interpreter"
- Rubymine log also says "No `java' executable found on PATH." (when there is)
# Install VirtualBox and Vagrant
# VirtualBox:
# Vagrant:
git clone
cd rubymine-jruby-bug
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
# check ruby is installed
ls /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/2.5.7/bin/ruby
# check java is installed
java --version
# check jruby is installed
ls /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/jruby-
Rubymine 2019.3
Build, Execution, Deployment
- Deployment
- Add server
- Name: Vagrant server
- Type: SFTP
- Connection
- SFTP host:
- Port: 2222
- Root path: /
- User name: vagrant
- Password: vagrant (+save password)
- Mappings
- Local path: enter local folder of
- Deployment path: /vagrant
For Ruby 2.5.7
Languages & Frameworks
- Ruby SDK and Gems
- New remote
- Select "Vagrant"
- Ruby interpreter path: /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/2.5.7/bin/ruby
=> works correctly, loading all gems
For JRuby 9.2.9
Languages & Frameworks
- Ruby SDK and Gems
- New remote
- Select "Vagrant"
- Ruby interpreter path: /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/jruby-
=> Shows error modal: "Unable to read RBConfig from specified interpreter"
=> Log also says "No `java' executable found on PATH" (when there is)
Rubymine 2019.3 log whilst setting JRuby as a remote interpreter:
2019-12-05 10:45:12,593 [ 124997] WARN - plugins.ruby.ruby.sdk.RbConfig - Error getting RbConfig from /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/jruby-, error code 255; STDOUT: No `java' executable found on PATH.; STDERR: