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My personal Vim configuration for Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Works with both Vim 8.1+ and Neovim. Currently I use Neovim mainly, as such I don't test this configuration on mainline Vim very often. However, I do not use any Neovim only plugins and the Neovim only configuration always has a check before it is ran so this configuration should work on mainline Vim 8.1+ without much issue.

Table of Contents

Installation for Windows

  1. Install Vim from here or through Chocolatey using the following command:
choco install vim
  1. Clone this repository onto your system
  2. Create symlinks for the following files
  • File link command:

    mklink Link Target
  • Directory link command:

    mklink /D Link Target
    • .vimrc -- your main Vim folder (For chocolatey C:/tools/vim)
    • /after/ directory -> your vimfiles folder
    • /autoload/ directory -> your vimfiles folder
    • /skeletons/ directory -> your vimfiles folder
    • /compiler/ directory -> your vimfiles folder
  1. Start Vim.
    • Vim-Plug shouldn't have to be installed (It's in the /autoload/ directory). But if not install Vim-Plug yourself (follow the instructions on the page). Then run :PlugInstall upon launching Vim for the first time.
  2. Restart Vim.

Installation for MacOS

  1. Install MacVim from here.
  2. Clone this repository into your home folder.
  3. Create symlinks for the following files
  • Symlink command:

    ln -s Link Target
    • .vimrc -- your main Vim folder (~/.vim)
    • /after/ directory -> your .vim folder
    • /autoload/ directory -> your .vim folder
    • /skeletons/ directory -> your .vim folder
    • /compiler/ directory -> your .vim folder
  1. Start MacVim.
  2. Start Vim.
    • Vim-Plug shouldn't have to be installed (It's in the /autoload/ directory). But if not install Vim-Plug yourself (follow the instructions on the page). Then run :PlugInstall upon launching Vim for the first time.
  3. Restart MacVim.

Installation for Linux

  1. Install Vim through your package manager.
  2. Clone this repository into your home folder.
  3. Create symlinks for the following files
  • Symlink command:

    ln -s Link Target
    • .vimrc -- your main Vim folder (~/.vim)
    • /after/ directory -> your .vim folder
    • /autoload/ directory -> your .vim folder
    • /skeletons/ directory -> your .vim folder
    • /compiler/ directory -> your .vim folder
  1. Start Vim.
  2. Start Vim.
    • Vim-Plug shouldn't have to be installed (It's in the /autoload/ directory). But if not install Vim-Plug yourself (follow the instructions on the page). Then run :PlugInstall upon launching Vim for the first time.
  3. Restart Vim.


Required Dependencies:

  • Git (Needed in order to clone and maintain .vimrc)

Optional Dependencies:

  • Universal-Ctags or Exuberent-Ctags (Tagging files)
  • Ripgrep (Faster grepping)


Personal configuration for Vim.







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