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Smart AC API

This repository contains the source code for the API portion of the Smart AC code challenge.

The API is developed in .NET Core 3.1 and uses DynamoDB as its data store.

The API is responsible for the following functions:

  1. Registering a device
  2. Authenticate a device
  3. Get a devices detilas
  4. Allow a device to meter sensor data
  5. Authentictae a web user

Using the API


When a device comes online, it POSTs a request to /devices. To register a device, the device does not need to be authenticated.

Through authorization, the device can publish sensor measurements. To authorize a device using a JWT Token, the device makes a POST to /authenticate.

Once authorized, the device can publish measurements to /device/{SerialNumber/measurements.


Users interact with the API via a website. Users are currently seeded in DynamoDB and are authorized via /authenticateuser, which also uses JWT Toekns.

Users can get a list of devices via a GET to /devices.

User can get a single devices details via a GET to devices/{SerialNumber}

Users can get a devices measurements via a GET to devices/{SerialNumber}/measurements

Finally, users can filter sensor data by date ranges using the query parameters from and to in ISO 8601 format.

API Documentation

The API is service via:

POST /authenticate

Authenticates a device and returns a JWT token.

| Body


| Example

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request POST \
     --data '{"SerialNumber":"123","Secret":"321"}' \

| Response

A JWT token

POST /authenticateuser

Authenticates a user a returns a JWT token.

| Body


| Example

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request POST \
     --data '{"UserName":"user","Password":"password"}' \

| Response

A JWT token

GET /devices

Returns a list of all registered devices.

| Example

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "Authorize {JWT Token}
     --request GET \

| Response

    "serialNumber": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "registrationDate": string,
    "firmwareVersion": "string",
    "secret": "string",
    "inAlarm": "bool"

POST /devices

Registers a new device and if successful returns the device details.

| Body

    "serialNumber": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "registrationDate": string,
    "firmwareVersion": "string",
    "secret": "string",
    "inAlarm": "bool"

| Example

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request POST \
     --data '{ "serialNumber": "222", "status": "healthy", "registrationDate": "2020-04-27T15:54:22Z", "firmwareVersion": "1.0.4", "secret": "222", "inAlarm": false}' \

| Response

    "serialNumber": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "registrationDate": string,
    "firmwareVersion": "string",
    "secret": "string",
    "inAlarm": "bool"

| Notes

The call will return BadRequest if SerialNumber, Status, FirmawareNumber, or Secret are missing.

GET /devices/{SeiralNumber}

Gets device details

| Body

    "serialNumber": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "registrationDate": string,
    "firmwareVersion": "string",
    "secret": "string",
    "inAlarm": "bool"

| Example

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request GET \

| Response

    "serialNumber": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "registrationDate": string,
    "firmwareVersion": "string",
    "secret": "string",
    "inAlarm": "bool"

POST /devices/{SerialNumber}/measurements

Records a list of measurements from a device's sensors.

| Body

            "Id": "string",
			"AirHumidity": "double",
			"CarbonMonoxide": "double",
			"Temperature": "double"

| Example

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "Authorization: beaer {FWT Token}
     --request POST \
     --data '[{"Id": "123","RecordedTime": "2020-04-27T15:54:22Z","AirHumidity": 105.5,"CarbonMonoxide": 105.5,"Temperature": 105.5},{"Id": "456","RecordedTime": "2020-04-27T15:54:22Z","AirHumidity": 106.5,"CarbonMonoxide": 106.5,"Temperature": 106.5}]' \

| Response

    "serialNumber": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "registrationDate": string,
    "firmwareVersion": "string",
    "secret": "string",
    "inAlarm": "bool"

| Notes

The call will return BadRequest if Id or RecordedTime is missing. This call may return with a 503 Service Unavailable if the service is in maintenance mode. The server can be placed into maintenance with a switch in the DynamoDB table SytemConfig.InMaintenance. If the service is unavailable, the device should buffer it's request data and resend when the service is available.

GET /devices/{SerialNumber}/measurements?{from?}&{to?}

Gets a list of a device's measurements which can be filtered by RecordedTime range.

| Example

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "Authorization: beaer {FWT Token}
     --request GET \

| Response

    Status 200 OK

| Notes

The call will return BadRequest if only 1 query string parameter is found. For example, if a 'from' is set without a 'to' the API will return an error


API For the Smart AC challenge






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