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AI-powered goal management tool, integrated with Supabase and Resend


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Get started

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed and running

  2. Clone this repo

  3. Install dependencies, including the Supabase CLI


Note: If you install the Supabase CLI using a different method you have to make sure you are on version 1.49.4 as more recent versions currently suffer from an issue which prevents this from working correctly.

  1. Create supabase functions env file
echo "OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-xxx" > supabase/.env
  1. If not already running, start Docker. Learn how to do this for your OS here.

  2. Start the supabase project.

npx supabase start
  1. Start the supabase functions locally
yarn supabase:dev

Testing and Linting

Supabase is build on Deno. Deno comes with a test-runner and linter.

To lint:

$ npm run lint # deno lint

To run tests:

$ npm test # deno test --import-map=./supabase/functions/import_map.json

Invoking Connor from the CLI

To invoke Connor and insert content and embeddings, first update the ./scripts/contentData.ts file with the content you want to insert. Next, ensure you have ts-node globally installed (npm install -g ts-node), and then run the following command:

ts-node ./scripts/upload_content.ts <user_id> <token>

Continuous Deployment

The functions.yml defines a job, "lint-and-test" that will lint and and run the code's tests when pull requests and pushes to main are made.

Additionally, if that job succeeds, the action will deploy this repo's functions to Supabase upon pushes/merges to main. To successfully deploy, the GitHub Action uses the following three secrets that are stored encrypted in the GitHub Secrets for this repo: SUPABASE_ACCESS_TOKEN, SUPABASE_PROJECT_ID, and SUPABASE_ENV_FILE.

The values for SUPABASE_ACCESS_TOKEN and SUPABASE_PROJECT_ID are available/can be setup on Supabase.

SUPABASE_ENV_FILE consists of the environment variables needed to run the edge functions that are not the default secrets. During the GitHub Action, the value of this secret is echoed into a .env file which is then passed to Supabase. This step is taken because the secrets set in the Supabase Vault do not appear to be available to edge functions. If the environment variables used by the functions changes, the SUPABASE_ENV_FILE secret should be updated at GitHub.

Local DB setup

To replicate the remote DB locally for the first time, run the following commands:

supabase link --project-ref <PROJECT_ID>
supabase migration new <MIGRATION_NAME>
supabase db dump --db-url postgres://postgres:<PASSWORD>@db.<PROJECT_ID> > ./supabase/migrations/$(ls -t supabase/migrations | head -n1 )
supabase db reset

To verify you are using the latest migration, run the following command:

supabase db diff

Updating the DB schema

When the DB is connected, it is now possible to make changes via the Supabase dashboard and create migrations in supabase/migrations/*. Follow these steps:

  • Make a change to the Supabase DB via the dashboard
  • Run supabase db diff -f <new-migration-filename> --linked
  • Run supabase db reset to apply the migrations locally


AI-powered goal management tool, integrated with Supabase and Resend







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