- Remove old declarations system that relied heavily on tuple signature
- Replace with new declarations systems with its own IR-like format:
- Introduce new `Type` type/namespace to encapsulate logic around
ABI JSON parameter `type`s ("ufixed160x10" e.g.), including
type guards to match array types vs. struct types, etc.
(importantly this doesn't include any handling for UDVTs, which can
only be detected via the nonstandard `internalType`)
- Introduce explicit "Identifier" type/namespace. Identifiers belong
to a class (interface, struct, udvt), have a name, and (except for
interfaces) may have a container. Identifiers are
string-serializable by way of Identifier.toReference()
- Introduce explicit "Kind" type/namespace for elementary, struct,
array, and interface params, including type guards and
identifier/UDVT detection via nonstandard `internalType`.
- Organize identifiers and kinds into Declarations<Bindings>
data structure, which stores all kinds with necessary indexes.
Declarations are generic to whether or not they are guaranteed
by the type system to have all bindings.
Declarations comprise:
- all unnamed struct kinds, organized by tuple signature
- named kind lookup by identifier reference
- container indexes for non-global kinds
- index for all kinds defined globally
- Structure declarations collection as two step process:
1. Gather all references to declared types ("kinds"), inferring
identifiers when present in optional `internalType` fields
(produces `Declarations<MissingBindings>`)
2. Bind identifiers to all kinds that are missing identifiers
(converts to `Declarations<HasBindings>`)
- Define search logic to find the correct kind to match a given
ABI JSON parameter inside a fully bound set of declarations
- Update Solidity generation to rely on new indexes and search,
eliminating architectural coupling with tuple signature based lookup
- Probably make a mess with a bunch of things?
- Redo interface for version features, replacing mandatory triple-equal
checks with more semantic sounding methods like `.supported()`,
`.missing()`, and `.consistently(value)`
- Do some unrelated things:
- Add madge
- Upgrade TypeScript to ^4.9.5
- Change lib from es2017 to es2019
- Use newer Solidiy for fast-check tests
- Add test for output settings behavior